Old PhysioToolkit binaries for Sparc-Solaris 2.5

The new PhysioNet website is available at: https://physionet.org. We welcome your feedback.

For most applications, the newer binaries available here will be more suitable.

The programs contained in wfdb-10.3.0-sun4u-SunOS.tar.gz were compiled using gcc 3.2 under Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8) on a Sparcstation, from the WFDB software package, version 10.3.0, available here as a gzip-compressed tar archive of sources, and from the W3C's libwww package, version 5.4.0. They include NETFILES support.

The remaining, older versions in this directory were compiled using gcc 2.95.1 (freely available from this Sun-sponsored free software site) under Solaris 2.5 on a Sparcstation, from the WFDB software package, version 10.1.5, available here as a gzip-compressed tar archive of sources, and from the W3C's libwww package, version 5.2.8. They include NETFILES support.

Shared and static libraries

These binaries use a mixture of shared libraries (linked at run time) and static libraries (linked at compile time). In general, using shared libraries is desirable because the binaries use less disk space, and (if more than one application using the same library is in memory at once) less memory and less time to load. It is also possible to upgrade a shared library with a compatible newer version (for example, to support new file formats) without recompiling the applications that use the library.

The libraries used by most of these applications include the WFDB library, the libwww libraries, and a handful of standard libraries included with Solaris, such as the standard C library. In addition, WAVE uses the XView libraries (libxview, libolgx, see below).

Choosing among the binaries

Two versions of most of these applications are available here, and three versions of WAVE. The binaries in the bin-static directory are the easiest to install; simply copy them to a directory in your PATH and run them. These binaries are statically linked to the WFDB library, the libwww libraries, and (in the case of WAVE) the XView libraries. Note that these are not pure static binaries, however; they still make use of several standard shared libraries included with Solaris, such as libc (the standard C library).

The binaries in the bin directory are dynamically linked to the WFDB library, statically linked to the libwww libraries, and (in the case of WAVE) dynamically linked to the XView libraries. To use these, you must download the shared WFDB library (libwfdb.so.10.1) and install it in a location where the run-time linker will be able to find it. You may install it in /lib or /usr/lib if you have root permissions, or in any other directory (/usr/local/lib is a common choice) if you add the name of that directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. After installing the library itself, make the following pair of symbolic links (from within the directory where the library is installed):

ln -s libwfdb.so.10.1 libwfdb.so
ln -s libwfdb.so.10.1 libwfdb.so.10

In addition, in order to use the standard wave binary, you must have installed the XView libraries (libxview, libolgx), and the directory in which these libraries are installed (/usr/openwin/lib) must also be part of your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The XView libraries are included in Sun's Open Look and Open Windows packages, which are included with Solaris 2.5 but may not be installed by default. If the XView libraries are not available on your system, you can try compiling them from the XView sources, or you can use this wave binary, which includes statically linked XView and X11 libraries.

Icon  Name                                       Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [DIR] wfdb-10.1.5/ 26-Nov-2002 20:55 - man page [   ] wfdb-10.3.0-sun4u-SunOS.tar.gz 26-Nov-2002 19:30 564K gzip-compressed tar archive [   ] wfdb-10.1.5-sparc-solaris2.5.tar.gz 09-Jun-2000 23:54 7.9M gzip-compressed tar archive [   ] wfdb-10.1.5-sparc-solaris2.5-static.tar.gz 10-Jun-2000 20:21 9.3M gzip-compressed tar archive [TXT] local.css 02-Oct-2015 23:29 3.1K C# source file

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Updated Friday, 28-Oct-2016 22:58:42 CEST

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