Focus issue: Detection of Heart Beats in Multimodal Data
Key details
Submission type: Open to all contributors
Closing date for submission: February 27, 2015 January 31 2015
Estimated online publication: August 2015
Guest editors: Benjamin Moody, Joachim Behar, Alistair Johnson, Julien Oster, Ikaro Silva, Gari Clifford
Instructions for authors
A focus issue paper in Physiological Measurement follows the same
guidelines as a normal paper. All submissions will go through our normal,
rigorous peer review system. A focus issue paper should cover descriptions of
original scientific research, techniques and applications, and not normally be
more than 8000 words (14 journal pages). For more detailed information, please
see the
instructions for authors page. For submissions that were originally
presented at a conference, the submitted manuscript must be significantly
extended. Very short manuscripts that are very similar to a published
proceedings paper will not be considered.
To submit an article to the issue, please go to the
manuscript submissions page. After selecting Physiological
Measurement please fill out the required information. When you are asked
to select the article type, please select `special issue article'. In the box
below, please select `Signal quality in cardiorespiratory monitoring focus
issue 2012'. If you have any questions about the focus issue, please email the
journal (