Detecting and Quantifying T-Wave Alternans: Papers about the Challenge

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The papers below were presented at Computers in Cardiology 2008. Please cite this publication when referencing any of these papers. These papers have been made available by their authors under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.5 (CCAL). We wish to thank all of the authors for their contributions.

The first of these papers is an introduction to the challenge topic, with a summary of the challenge results and a discussion of their implications.

The PhysioNet / Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2008: T-Wave Alternans
GB Moody

The remaining papers were presented by participants in the Challenge, who describe their approaches to the challenge problem.

An Open-Source Standard T-Wave Alternans Detector for Benchmarking
A Khaustov, S Nemati, GD Clifford

Heart-Rate Adaptive Match Filter Based Procedure to Detect and Quantify T-Wave Alternans
L Burattini, R Burattini

Estimation of T-Wave Alternans from Multi-Lead ECG Signals Using a Modified Moving Average Method
GM Nijm, S Swiryn, AC Larson, AV Sahakian

Principal Component Analysis for Detection and Assessment of T-Wave Alternans
G Bortolan, II Christov

T-Wave Alternans Ranking: Striking Disagreement between Two Vectorcardiographic Measures of Repolarization Heterogeneity
S Man, AC Maan, MJ Schalij, EE van der Wall, CA Swenne

T-Wave Alternans: A Comparison of Different Measurement Techniques
D Zheng, S Stevens, P Langley, K Wang, AJ Haigh, S King, A Murray

Multilead T-Wave Alternans Quantification Based on Spatial Filtering and the Laplacian Likelihood Ratio Method
V Monasterio, JP Martínez

Analysis of T-Wave Alternans Using the Ramanujan Transform
LT Mainardi, M Bertinelli, R Sassi

An Improved Spectral Method of Detecting and Quantifying T-Wave Alternans for SCD Risk Evaluation
TW Shen, YT Tsao

An Electrophysiological Cardiac Model Approach to Measuring T-Wave Alternans
MA Mneimneh, RJ Povinelli

Detection and Estimation of T-Wave Alternans with Matched Filter and Nonparametric Bootstrap Test
JL Rojo-Álvarez, O Barquero-Pérez, I Mora-Jimenez, R Goya-Esteban, J Gimeno-Blanes, A Garcia-Alberola

Correlation between Multifractal Spectrum Based on Wavelet Leaders and T-Wave Alternans
R Cardo, A Corvalán

New Method for the Detection of T-Wave Alternans in Basis of Walsh Functions
OV Melnik

Principal Component Analysis Based Method for Detection and Evaluation of ECG T-Wave Alternans
R Simoliuniene, A Krisciukaitis, A Macas, Baksyte G, Saferis V, R Zaliunas

Detecting and Quantifying T-Wave Alternans Using the Correlation Method and Comparison with the FFT-Based Method
A Ghaffari, MR Homaeinezhad, M Atarod, R Rahmani

Hybrid Detector for the T-Wave Alternans Challenge
O Meste, R Alegre de la Soujeole, O Tala

Nonlinear Detection of T-Wave Alternans
H Väänänen H

An Artificial Multi-Channel Model for Generating Abnormal Electrocardiographic Rhythms
GD Clifford, S Nemati, R Sameni