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The File menu

  Open this menu using tex2html_wrap8929 in WAVE's main window.

This selection pops up the Load window, in which you can enter a new record or annotator name, or change the name of the calibration file or the value of the database path within this window.


If there are unsaved edits, this selection saves them. The annotator name in the title bar is marked with parentheses if there are unsaved edits. Only one level of backup is preserved, so you will overwrite the original annotation file if it is in the current directory and you open the same annotator more than once.


This selection prints the contents of the signal window on paper. The output is made from the original signal files, and therefore is of better quality than a screen dump would be. Your edits, if any, are saved before printing, so that the output reflects any changes you have made.


Print setup
This selection pops up the Print setup window, showing the commands WAVE uses to print PostScript and text data from the standard input.


This selection pops up the Analyze window containing a customizable set of action buttons, and the Analysis Commands window (a cmdtool-style terminal emulator). The names of the action buttons and their assigned actions are read from WAVE's menu file (by default, this is wavemenu, if it exists in the current directory, otherwise /usr/local/lib/wavemenu.def; the default may be overridden by setting the environment variable WAVEMENU   to the name of a different file). The buttons are usually configured to perform various analysis functions on the current record; read the default menu file for details.


This selection pops up the Log window, which allows you to name a log file, and to record in that file the current record name, the time of the samples at the center of the signal window, and (optionally) a one-line comment. Log files may be used as scripts for pschart. You may write to as many log files in a single session as you choose, and you may accumulate entries from multiple sessions in a single log file.

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George B. Moody (
Wed May 7 20:21:25 EDT 1997