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The Analyze window



 Open this window by selecting Analyze from the tex2html_wrap8929 menu.

This button shifts the segment to be analyzed toward the beginning of the record, by an amount equal to the length of the segment if possible.


Start (elapsed)
This field specifies (as elapsed time from the beginning of the record) the beginning of the segment to be analyzed. You may enter a time directly in this field, or you may insert a `<' marker using the standard procedure for inserting annotations.


End (elapsed)
This field specifies the end of the segment to be analyzed. You may enter a time directly in this field, or you may insert a `>' marker using the standard procedure for inserting annotations.

This button shifts the segment to be analyzed toward the end of the record, by an amount equal to the length of the segment.


This field specifies the selected signal. You may enter a signal number directly in this field, or you may point to a signal, depress the tex2html_wrap8915 key, and click left to select the signal. In the WAVE menu file, the symbol `$SIGNAL' refers to the signal number of the selected signal; this symbol usually specifies a signal to be analyzed. The name of the selected signal appears to the right of its signal number. The uppermost signal displayed by WAVE is signal 0.


This field specifies the absolute time (and date, if defined) of the beginning of the segment to be analyzed. The value in this field is updated automatically whenever the value in the Start (elapsed) field changes, and vice versa. The From field is disabled if the current record's header does not define the absolute time of the beginning of the record.

This field specifies the absolute time (and date, if defined) of the end of the segment to be analyzed. The value in this field is updated automatically whenever the value in the End (elapsed) field changes, and vice versa. The To field is disabled if the current record's header does not define the absolute time of the beginning of the record.


Signal list
This field specifies the signal list (a list of signal numbers, separated by spaces). In the WAVE menu file, the symbol `$SIGNALS' refers to the signal list; this symbol usually appears where a list of signals to be analyzed is required. To change the signal list, either type into this field, or point to a signal, press and hold the tex2html_wrap9224 key (to add the signal to the list) or the tex2html_wrap9226 (or tex2html_wrap9228 ) key (to delete the first occurrence of the signal from the list), and click left.


This button pops up WAVE's Scope window, which can be used to display a signal in `oscilloscope' mode.


This button pops up the Analysis Commands window, a terminal emulator that receives commands generated by selecting most of the other buttons in this window, and that displays any text output of those commands. You may type commands directly into the window.


This button allows you to edit the WAVE menu file, which configures the analysis buttons in the Analyze window, using the text editor named in the EDITOR environment variable (or textedit if EDITOR is not set). After you have saved your changes, select tex2html_wrap9212 to reconfigure this window.

Select this button to reconfigure the Analyze window after you have made changes to the menu file (most easily done by using tex2html_wrap9193 ) or after changing records.

This button causes WAVE to reload the current annotation file. If a process is in progress in the Analysis Commands window, WAVE defers reloading until the process is finished.

  The remaining buttons in the Analyze window perform actions determined by the WAVE menu file. If the environment variable WAVEMENU is set, it names that file; otherwise, the WAVE menu file is wavemenu (if it exists in the current directory) or /usr/local/lib/wavemenu.def.

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George B. Moody (
Wed May 7 20:21:25 EDT 1997