The Annotation Template window

Open this window at any time by clicking left anywhere within the signal window. Use the data fields in the Annotation Template before inserting an annotation, to specify the characteristics of the annotation you wish to insert.

Type:  \Ovalbox{\small\sf \ensuremath{\nabla}}
This field specifies the type of annotation to be inserted. It may be changed by selecting a new value from the pull-down menu, by typing the mnemonic while the pointer is within the signal window, or by selecting an existing annotation and pressing the \Ovalbox{\small\sf Copy} or \Ovalbox{\small\sf F6} keys (these key commands also copy the other fields of the selected annotation into the corresponding fields of the Annotation Template).

This field specifies the contents of the optional annotation aux field. It may be changed by typing into it directly or by selecting an existing annotation and pressing the \Ovalbox{\small\sf Copy} or \Ovalbox{\small\sf F6} keys. In most cases, it should be empty, but it must be filled in for rhythm and certain other non-beat annotations. When the annotation is written, WAVE prefixes the required byte count to this field before transferring it to the aux field.

This field specifies the contents of the annotation subtyp field. In most cases, it should be 0; legal values range from -128 to +127.

`Chan' field
This field specifies the contents of the annotation chan field. In most cases, it should be 0; legal values range from -128 to +127. In multi-edit mode, the chan field of the annotation indicates the signal number of the attached signal. When inserting annotations in multi-edit mode, the value of the chan field in the annotation is determined by which signal is nearest to the pointer when the insertion is performed, and the `Chan' field in the Annotation Template is updated accordingly.

`Num' field
This field specifies the contents of the annotation num field. In most cases, it should be 0; legal values range from -128 to +127. If you have chosen to Show annotations: as a signal in the View window, the num fields of the annotations determine the signal amplitudes.

\ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~Change all in range~}
This button changes all annotations between the `<' and `>' markers (the Start and End times in the Analyze window) to match the Annotation Template.

\ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~Dismiss~}
This button makes the Annotation Template window disappear (until it is recalled by clicking left while the pointer is within the signal window).

George B. Moody (