The Find window

Open this window using \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~Find...~} in WAVE 's main window.

Start time
Specifies the time of the sample shown at the left edge of the signal window, in the format specified by the Time display item in the View window. Go to any other part of the record by entering the time in this field.

End time
Specifies the time of the sample shown at the right edge of the signal window, in the format specified by the Time display item in the View window. Go to any other part of the record by entering the time in this field.

Times can be entered in h:m:s format, with hours or hours and minutes omitted, or in snnnnn format, in which nnnnn is a number of sample intervals from the beginning of the record.

Search for annotation
Specifies a target for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~{\tt <} Search~} and \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~Search {\tt >}~}. Changing this field causes an immediate forward search. The contents of this field should match an annotation or marker mnemonic, signal quality code, rhythm, comment, or other text string, or one of the following:

*v matches any ventricular ectopic beat
*s matches any supraventricular ectopic beat
*n matches any other beat type
* matches any annotation or marker
. matches a deletion made during this WAVE session

\ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~More options...~}
This button clears the contents of the Search for field and opens the Search Template window.

Find signal
Specifies the name of a signal. Changing this field causes an immediate forward search for the next valid samples of the specified signal. To repeat the search, select the field and press \Ovalbox{\small\sf Enter}.

George B. Moody (