SimuLab 17: Gathering Statistics in Blaze
need the Blaze program to complete this SimuLab. You can download
it to your computer or use it online in a Java applet.
Download Blaze: |
What if no one is around to fight the fire after the forest is grown? (You may own so many forest plots in different locations that you cannot fly the helicopter over each one in person!) When there is no active fire fighting, we call the resulting forest unmanaged .
Investigate this question by using the Gather Statistics
command under the Mode menu. Now there will no longer be
a water supply or helicopter to deliver the water. The forest just
burns from the left without hindrance except for the barriers provided
by empty spaces between trees. The number of spaces depends on the
setting of the probability p that determines the density of trees
in the forest.
Try various probability settings. You can use the Continuous button to set up a number of automatic runs at a given probability. The results are summarized for you in the Table window under the Windows menu. The table automatically records data from every run made in Gather Statistics mode. You can take averages of any set of runs, as well as delete runs from the table. You can also print the table using the Print Table command menu, or export the table into a commercial spreadsheet using Export Table. Both of these commands are under the File menu.
One column in the table records whether or not the fire burns all
the way from one side of the forest to the other side. A graph of
these cases is titled Fraction Burned Across in the Windows