SimuLab 12: Changing Particle Movement
need the Aggregation program to complete this SimuLab. You
can download it to your computer or use it online in a Java applet.
Download Aggregation: |
2. For this second pattern, click on the Straight button
under Particle Movement. In the "straight'' setting,
each particle moves in a straight line but in a direction that
is chosen randomly.
3. Click Go to start movement in this second window.
4. Now click on the first window and click Go. Click on
one window then the other, changing the speed of each so that
the two patterns grow at approximately the same rate. As each
pattern grows, keep it all on screen by moving the Cell Size
slider to the left.
5. Using the Straight setting, can you make a pattern that
is similar to the result of your electrodeposition experiment?
If so, save it as an image file for later analysis.