SimuLab 5: Random Walk and Pascal's Triangle
need the Random Walk program to complete this SimuLab. You
can download it to your computer or use it online in a Java applet..
Download Random Walk: |
Carry out the following steps with the Random Walk program.
2. Start by doing 100 trials with 10 steps. (If you wish, select
Less Graphics under Options.)
3. Select Tile Windows under Options to place the resulting
bar graph in one corner of the screen (see 3.6).
4. Start the coin-flipping experiment, run 100 trials, then display
the results in a second tiled window to place it next to the Pascal's
Triangle results.
5. Finally bring up the 1D Random Walk program, start it
doing 100 trials, and show the resulting display in a third tiled
Previous: 3.4 - Pascal's Triangle