HandsOn 9 - Lottery Game
need the Winning Streak program to complete this activity.
You can download it to your computer or use it online in a Java applet.
This program is not available for Windows at this time.
Download Winning Streak: |
Flip a coin over and over again until you get three heads in a row. Now choose one of these strategies and stick to it.
Now flip the coin a fourth time. How did it come out? Did you win or lose?
Again, flip the coin until you get three heads in a row, then make another bet, using the same strategy. Assume that a win brings you $1.00 and a loss costs you $1.00. Carry out this procedure again and again. Keep track of how much "money'' you win or lose.
Is your strategy a winner? or a loser? Or do you break even? If your friends are doing the same activity, pool your results in order to compare the success rates of different strategies. Continue your discussion until there is general agreement that (i) winning streaks exist, (ii) losing streaks exist, or (iii) the next flip cannot be predicted: each flip is random.
Previous: 3.1 - Measuring Randomness