/* $Header: /mit/hst/src/data/RCS/Parameter.h,v 1.1 90/08/18 18:30:38 tldavis Exp $ * Parameter.h: Timothy L. Davis, 1990 * * Header for simulation parameter database and patient database routines. * These are defined in parameter.c, patient.c, and format.c * $Log: Parameter.h,v $ * Revision 1.1 90/08/18 18:30:38 tldavis * Initial revision * */ /* * parameter.c public functions: */ extern void LoadParameterData(/* char *filename;*/); extern SIMULATION *getsimulation(/* int pathology_number; */); extern SIMULATION *setsimulation(); extern int var_in_bounds(/*int place, type, value;*/); extern int *get_varlist(/*int place, device, dep;*/); extern VarData *get_vardata(/*int place, type;*/); /* * patient.c: Predefined clinical patients with case history. * LoadPatient loads the patient simulation and returns the case history. */ extern char *LoadPatient(/*char *path;*/); /* * format.c: Formats the parameter list for printing. Returns the list. * Parameters different fron default are marked as such. */ extern char *FormatParams(/* SIMULATION *presentsim, *defaultsim */);