Other keyboard actions

These actions are used for annotation editing and navigation through the record.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf $\uparrow$}
(In multi-edit mode only, and only if an annotation is attached.) Move the selected annotation to the next emphlower signal number. If another annotation is at that location, however, select that annotation instead. If (within the View window) you have chosen to draw all signals, this corresponds to moving the selection up one signal on the display. If you have chosen to draw listed signals only, the order of signals in the signal list determines where the annotation moves on the display.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf $\uparrow$}
As for \Ovalbox{\small\sf $\uparrow$} alone, except that the selected annotation is copied rather than moved.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf $\downarrow$}
As for \Ovalbox{\small\sf $\uparrow$}, except that the selected annotation is moved to the next higher signal number (i.e., down one signal on the display if all signals are drawn).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf $\downarrow$}
As for \Ovalbox{\small\sf $\downarrow$} alone, except that the selected annotation is copied rather than moved.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf F6} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Copy})
Copy the selected annotation into the Annotation Template.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf F9} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Find})
Search forward (as for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~Search {\tt >}~}).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf F9} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf Find})
Search backward (as for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~{\tt <} Search~}).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Shift}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf F9} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf End})
Move to the end of the record.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf Shift}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf F9} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Home})
Move to the beginning of the record.

\Ovalbox{\small\sf F10} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf PgDn})
Move forward half a screen (as for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~\tt >~}).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Shift}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf F10} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf PgUp})
Move backward half a screen (as for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~\tt <~}).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf F10} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf PgDn})
Move forward a full screen (as for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~\tt >>~}).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf Shift}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf F10} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf PgUp})
Move backward a full screen (as for \ovalbox{\rule[-.3mm]{0cm}{2.5mm}\small\sf ~\tt <<~}).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Enter} (or \Ovalbox{\small\sf Return})
(Only if a link annotation has been selected.) Show the external data specified by the link using a web browser; start the web browser first if necessary.

Commands in the next group are used to change the display scales. If a signal is selected, amplitude changes apply to the selected signal only. If shown, the grid reflects the scale of signal 0 (the top signal).

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf (}
zoom in (show more detail by expanding the time axis)

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf )}
zoom out (show more context by compressing the time axis)

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf +}
increase the amplitude of the signal(s)

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf -}
decrease the amplitude of the signal(s)

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf *}
invert the signal(s)

\Ovalbox{\small\sf Ctrl}+ \Ovalbox{\small\sf =}
restore the scales selected on the View panel

Typing an annotation or marker mnemonic sets the Type field of the Annotation Template (even if the Annotation Template is not visible, and even if editing is disabled). These mnemonics are shown on the Type menu.

George B. Moody (george@mit.edu)