# file: Makefile.tpl G. Moody 24 May 2000 # Last revised: 25 October 2017 # Change the settings below as appropriate for your setup. # D2PARGS is a list of options for dvips. Uncomment one of these to set the # paper size ("a4" is most common except in the US and Canada): # D2PARGS = -t a4 D2PARGS = -t letter # T2DARGS is a list of options for texi2dvi. Uncomment one of these to set the # page size (the size of the printed area on the paper): # T2DARGS = -t @afourpaper T2DARGS = -t @letterpaper # PDFTEXCFG is the name of a file containing parameter settings for pdftex # (used by texi2dvi). Choose the file corresponding to your paper size: # PDFTEXCFG = pdftex.cfg-a4 PDFTEXCFG = pdftex.cfg-letter # LN is a command that makes the file named by its first argument accessible # via the name given in its second argument. If your system supports symbolic # links, uncomment the next line. LN = ln -sf # Otherwise uncomment the next line if your system supports hard links. # LN = ln # If your system doesn't support links at all, copy files instead. # LN = cp # If you wish to install the info (GNU hypertext documentation) files from this # package, specify the commands needed to format them from the texinfo source # files, and to install them so that 'info' and related utilities can find # them. If you have GNU 'makeinfo' and 'install-info' (preferred), # uncomment the next two lines. MAKEINFO = makeinfo --force --no-warn INSTALLINFO = install-info --info-dir=$(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR) $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR)/wpg # Otherwise, you can use GNU emacs to do the formatting, and standard utilities # to install the info files, by uncommenting the next two lines. # MAKEINFO = ./makeinfo.sh # INSTALLINFO = $(MAKE) install-wpg.info # PERL is the full pathname of your perl interpreter, needed for 'make htmlpg'. PERL = /usr/bin/perl # PSPRINT is the name of the program that prints PostScript files. If your # printer is not a PostScript printer, see the GhostScript documentation to see # how to do this (since the figure files are in PostScript form, it is not # sufficient to use a non-PostScript dvi translator such as dvilj). PSPRINT = lpr # TROFF is the name of the program that prints UNIX troff files (needed to # print the covers of the guide). Use 'groff' if you have # GNU groff (the preferred formatter). TROFF = groff # Use 'ptroff' if you have Adobe TranScript software. # TROFF = ptroff # Consult your system administrator if you have neither 'groff' nor 'ptroff'. # Other (untested) possibilities are 'psroff', 'ditroff', 'nroff', and 'troff'. # It should not be necessary to modify anything below this line. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- all: wpg.html wpg.pdf $(MAKE) INFODIR=../wpg/info INSTALLINFO=: wpg.info cp -p wpg.pdf ../wpg install: @echo Nothing to install in wpg-src. uninstall: rm -f ../wpg/* # 'make wpg-book': print a copy of the WFDB Programmer's Guide wpg-book: wpg.ps cp wpg.cover wpgcover echo $(SHORTDATE) >>wpgcover echo .bp >>wpgcover $(TROFF) wpgcover >wpgcover.ps $(PSPRINT) wpgcover.ps $(PSPRINT) wpg.ps # 'make wpg.hlp': format the WFDB Programmer's Guide as an MS-Windows help file wpg.hlp: wpg.tex makertf --hpj=wpg.hpj --output=wpg.rtf --force wpg.tex @echo Ignore any errors that appear above! hcrtf -o wpg.hlp -x wpg.hpj test -s WPG.HLP && mv WPG.HLP wpg.hlp rm -f wpg.rtf wpg.hpj wpg.ph # 'make wpg.html': format the WFDB Programmer's Guide as HTML wpg.html: wpg.tex cp -p wpg.tex ../wpg cd ../wpg; texi2html -short_ext -menu -split_node wpg.tex cd ../wpg; if [ -d wpg ]; then mv wpg/* .; rmdir wpg; fi mv ../wpg/wpg.htm ../wpg/wpg_btoc.htm # use top page as brief TOC rm -f ../wpg/wpg.tex ./fixpg.sh ../wpg sed "s/LONGDATE/$(LONGDATE)/" ../wpg/wpg.htm cd ../wpg; $(LN) wpg.htm index.html # 'make wpg.info': format the WFDB Programmer's Guide as info files wpg.info: wpg.tex $(MAKEINFO) wpg.tex test -d $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR) || \ ( mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR); $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR) ) cp wpg wpg-* $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR) $(SETPERMISSIONS) $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR)/wpg* rm -f wpg wpg-* PATH=$$PATH:/usr/sbin; $(INSTALLINFO) # 'make install-wpg.info': install info entry (if install-info is unavailable) install-wpg.info: wpg.info test -s $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR)/dir || cp dir.top $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR)/dir grep -s wpg $(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR)/dir >/dev/null || cat dir.wpg >>$(DESTDIR)$(INFODIR)/dir # 'make wpg.info.tar.gz': create a tarball of info files wpg.info.tar.gz: wpg.tex $(MAKEINFO) wpg.tex mv wpg wpg-* info tar cfv - info | gzip >info.tar.gz # 'make wpg.pdf': format the WFDB Programmer's Guide as PDF wpg.pdf: wpg.tex sed 's/@-//g' wpg1.tex mv wpg1.tex wpg.tex rm -f wpg.aux wpg.idx wpg.ind wpg.toc cp $(PDFTEXCFG) pdftex.cfg texi2dvi --pdf $(T2DARGS) wpg.tex rm pdftex.cfg wpg.tex # 'make pg.ps': format the WFDB Programmer's Guide as PostScript wpg.ps: wpg.tex rm -f wpg.aux wpg.idx wpg.ind wpg.toc texi2dvi $(T2DARGS) wpg.tex dvips $(D2PARGS) -o wpg.ps wpg.dvi wpg.tex: wpg0.tex sed 's/VERSION/$(VERSION)/' wpg.tex # 'make clean': remove intermediate and backup files clean: rm -f info.tar.gz wpg wpg-* wpg.aux wpg.cp wpg.cps wpg.dvi wpg.fn \ wpg.fns wpg.ilg wpg.ky wpg.log wpg.pdf wpg.ps wpg.pg wpg.tex wpg.toc \ wpg.tp wpg.vr wpgcover wpgcover.ps *~ ../wpg/info/dir