#!/usr/bin/perl # # File: example1.pl I. Henry March 29 2005 # # Perl translation of example1.c from the WFDB Programmer's Guide # # see http://physionet.org/physiotools/wpg/wpg_141.htm#SEC141 # # Copyright (C) 2005 Isaac C. Henry (ihenry@physionet.org) package wfdb; use wfdb; $an = new wfdb::WFDB_AnninfoArray(2); $annot = new wfdb::WFDB_Annotation(); print "Type record name: "; $record = ; chomp($record); print "Type input annotator name: "; $iann = ; chomp($iann); print "Type output annotator name: "; $oann = ; chomp($oann); $a = $an->getitem(0); $a->{name} = $iann; $a->{stat} = $WFDB_READ; $an->setitem(0,$a); $a = $an->getitem(1); $a->{name} = $oann; $a->{stat} = $WFDB_WRITE; $an->setitem(1,$a); exit (1) if (annopen($record, $an->cast(), 2) < 0); while (getann(0, $annot) == 0) { if ( wfdb_isqrs($annot->{anntyp}) ) { $annot->{anntyp} = $NORMAL; last if (putann(0, $annot) < 0); } } wfdbquit();