#!/usr/bin/perl # file: samples_to_EDF.pm G. Moody 5 March 2009 # Last revised: 12 December 2010 # _____________________________________________________________________________ # samples_to_EDF module for PhysioBank's Automated Teller Machine # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 George B. Moody sub mod_samples_to_EDF { # If the record is already an EDF, provide a link for downloading it # but do nothing more. if ($record =~ /\./) { print "

This record is already in European Data Format (EDF). ", "Download ", "$database/$record.

"; return; } # Set the path, URL, and final output filenames and URLs for this request. $wd = "export/edf"; $wu = "$baseurl/$wd"; $wp = "$basepath/$wd"; $edf = "$record" . ".edf"; $pedf = "$wp/$edf"; $uedf = "$wu/$edf"; # If results for this request are already in the cache, return them. if (-s $pedf) { mod_edf_out(); return; } # Make sure the output has a place to go. ($record may include path info.) $wt = "/ptmp/atm/scratch/$$/"; $wtr = "$wt/$record"; mkpath($wtr); # Make a temporary filename. $tedf = "$wt/$edf"; unless (fork) { chdir $wt; exec($MIT2EDF, "-r", "$database/$record", "-o", $edf); } # Wait until mit2edf is finished. wait; if (-s "$pedf") { # there was a race, and this process lost! unlink("$tedf"); # cron will remove $wt } else { # make sure path to $pedf exists ($record might include path info) mkpath("$wp/$record"); rename("$tedf", "$pedf"); } mod_edf_out(); } sub mod_edf_out { # Show the command and the download link. if (-s $pedf) { $tsize = -s $pedf; print 'The output was prepared using this', ' command:
mit2edf' .
	    " -r $database/$record -o " .
	    "' .
" . "Download: $edf ($tsize bytes)
" . "Note: The entire record has been converted " . "(mit2edf does not convert only a region of interest)." . "

"; } else { show_html("no-samples"); } } 1;