To evaluate the accuracy of heart rate measurement, the evaluator shall implement and disclose a method for obtaining heart rate measurements using the reference annotation files (the `reference heart rate'). This method need not be identical to the method used by the device under test, but in general it will be advantageous if it matches that method as closely as possible.It will generally be in the manufacturer's interest to provide a program for generating reference heart rate annotation files, to avoid the need for an independent evaluator to do so, with a likely result of less than optimal agreement with the test heart rate measurements. The WFDB software package includes a sample implementation of such a program (examples/refhr.c); note that it will need to be customized for each device to be tested.
Note that measurement errors are normalized by the mean value of the reference measurements in each record. Be certain that this mean value cannot be zero!9
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PhysioNetUpdated 8 March 2019