function [e,se,A,B]=sampen(y,M,r,sflag,cflag,vflag) %function e=sampen(y,M,r); % %Input Parameters % %y input signal vector %M maximum template length (default M=5) %r matching threshold (default r=.2) % %Output Parameters % %e sample entropy estimates for m=0,1,...,M-1 % %Full usage: % %[e,se,A,B]=sampen(y,m,r,sflag,cflag,vflag) % %Input Parameters % %sflag flag to standardize signal(default yes/sflag=1) %cflag flag to use fast C code (default yes/cflag=1) %vflag flag to calculate standard errors (default no/vflag=0) % %Output Parameters % %se standard error estimates for m=0,1,...,M-1 %A number of matches for m=1,...,M %B number of matches for m=0,...,M-1 % (excluding last point in Matlab version) if ~exist('M')|isempty(M),M=5;end if ~exist('r')|isempty(r),r=.2;end if ~exist('sflag')|isempty(sflag),sflag=1;end if ~exist('cflag')|isempty(cflag),cflag=1;end if ~exist('vflag')|isempty(cflag),vflag=0;end y=y(:); n=length(y); if sflag>0 y=y-mean(y); s=sqrt(mean(y.^2)); y=y/s; end if nargout>1 if vflag>0 se=sampense(y,M,r); else se=[]; end end if cflag>0 [match,R]=cmatches(y,n,r); match=double(match); else [e,A,B]=sampenc(y,M,r); return end k=length(match); if k