function Plot_SignalDetection_SQI(time, signal, ann, sqi,signalType) % Plot_SignalDetection_SQI(time, ecg, qrs, sqi) % % INPUTS % time : vector time % signal : vector signal % ann : vector containing signal evenu locations, e.g., QRS % locations, PPG onsets % sqi : vector containing Signal Quality Index (sqi) values % signalType : string containing the type of signal, e.g., 'ECG', % 'ABP', 'PPG' % REPO: % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox % % % REFERENCE: % Vest et al. "An Open Source Benchmarked HRV Toolbox for Cardiovascular % Waveform and Interval Analysis" Physiological Measurement (In Press), 2018. % % REPO: % % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % New figure figure1 = figure('position', [100 200 1200 500]); % First supblot axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1, 'Position',[0.13 0.39259 0.775 0.45]); hold(axes1,'on'); % Plot ECG plot(time,signal,'Parent',axes1,'DisplayName', signalType); % Plot QRS locations over ECG plot(time(ann), signal(ann),'Parent',axes1,'DisplayName','Onsets','Marker','o','LineStyle','none'); % Set axes set(axes1,'FontSize',18,'XTick',zeros(1,0)); if signalType == 'ECG' title('ECG - Detected QRS complexes and SQI') ylabel('Amplitude (mV)'); else ylabel('Amplitude'); title([signalType '- Detected beat onsets and SQI']) end set(axes1,'FontSize',18); legend1 = legend(axes1,'show'); set(legend1,'Location','southeast'); % Second subplot for SQI % make sure SQI is an Nx1 vector if size(sqi,1)>size(sqi,2) sqi=sqi'; end nn_rep = 1/(time(2)-time(1)); SQI_ = repmat(sqi,nn_rep,1); SQI__ = reshape(SQI_,1,size(SQI_,1)*size(SQI_,2)); axes2 = axes('Parent',figure1, 'Position',[0.13 0.28 0.775 0.08]); clims = [0 1]; %imagesc([0.5 291],0,SQI__,'Parent',axes2,'CDataMapping','scaled',clims) imagesc([0.5 round(length(SQI__)/nn_rep)],0,SQI__,'Parent',axes2,'CDataMapping','scaled',clims) ylabel('SQI'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylh=ylabel('SQI'); pos1=get(ylh,'Position'); pos1(1,2)=pos1(1,2)-0.05; set(ylh,'Position',pos1) axis(axes2,'ij'); % Set the remaining axes properties % set(axes2,'DataAspectRatio',[10 1 1],'FontSize',18,'Layer','top','YTick',zeros(1,0)); set(axes2,'FontSize',18,'Layer','top','YTick',zeros(1,0)); % Create colorbar colorbar('peer',axes2,'Position',[0.914 0.28 0.0139 0.0829]); linkaxes([axes1,axes2],'x')