function write_hea(recordName, fs, datapoints, annotator, gain, offset,unit) % write_hea(recordName, fs, datapoints, annotator, gain, offset,unit) % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % This script written by Qiao Li % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information numsig = 1; %fs = 125; %datapoints = 75000; %recordName = '100'; filename = strcat(recordName, '.', annotator); unit = 'mV'; fileID = fopen(strcat(recordName, '.hea'),'w'); fprintf(fileID,'%s %d %d %d\n', recordName, numsig, fs, datapoints); for i = 1:numsig fprintf(fileID,'%s 16+24 %d/%s 12\n', filename, gain,unit); end fprintf(fileID,'#Creator: HRV_toolbox write_hea.m'); fclose(fileID); end