function [anntime,type,subtype,chan,num,comments]=read_ann(recordName,annotator) % Reads a WFDB annotation and returns: % % anntime % Nx1 vector of the ints. The time of the annotation in samples % with respect to the fist sample in the signals in WFDB dat file. % To convert this vector to a string of time stamps see WFDBTIME. % % type % Nx1 vector of the chars describing annotation type. % For a list of standard type used by PhyioNet, please see: % % % subtype % Nx1 vector of the ints describing annotation subtype, if not empty. % For a list of standard annotation codes used by PhyioNet, please see: % % % chan % Nx1 vector of the ints describing annotation subtype, if not empty. % % num % Nx1 vector of the ints describing annotation NUM, if not empty. % % comments % Nx1 vector of the cells describing annotation comments, if not empty. % % % Required Parameters: % % recorName % String specifying the name of the record % % annotator % String specifying the name of the annotation file % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Qiao Li % % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information % if isnumeric(recordName) recordName = num2str(recordName); end annfile=[recordName '.' annotator]; fid=fopen(annfile,'r'); A= fread(fid, [2, inf], 'uint8')'; fclose(fid); anntime=[]; type=[]; chan=[]; num=[]; comments=[]; subtype_temp=[]; curnum=0; curchn=0; sa=size(A); saa=sa(1); i=1; ann_n=0; while i<=saa % Each annotation occupies an even number of bytes. The first byte in % each pair is the least significant byte. The six most significant % bits (A) of each byte pair are the annotation type code, and the ten % remaining bits (I) specify the time of the annotation, measured in % sample intervals from the previous annotation (or from the beginning % of the record for the first annotation). If 0 < A <= ACMAX, then A % is defined in . (MIT format) typeh=bitshift(A(i,2),-2); if typeh==59 % SKIP, the next 4 bytes are the interval if bitshift(A(i+3,2),-2)~=0 type=[type;int2ann(bitshift(A(i+3,2),-2))]; anntime=[anntime;A(i+2,1)+bitshift(A(i+2,2),8)+... bitshift(A(i+1,1),16)+bitshift(A(i+1,2),24)]; ann_n=ann_n+1; num(ann_n)=curnum; chan(ann_n)=curchn; end i=i+3; elseif typeh==60 % NUM, I = annotation num field for current and subsequent annotations; otherwise, assume previous annotation num (initially 0). % curnum=bitshift(bitand(A(i,2),3),8)+A(i,1); curnum=A(i,1); if curnum>127 curnum=curnum-255-1; end num(ann_n)=curnum; elseif typeh==61 % SUB, I = annotation subtyp field for current annotation only; otherwise, assume subtyp = 0. % cursub=bitshift(bitand(A(i,2),3),8)+A(i,1); cursub=A(i,1); if cursub>127 cursub=cursub-255-1; end subtype_temp(ann_n)=cursub; elseif typeh==62 % CHN, I = annotation chan field for current and subsequent annotations; otherwise, assume previous chan (initially 0). % curchn=bitshift(bitand(A(i,2),3),8)+A(i,1); curchn=A(i,1); if curchn>127 curchn=curchn-255-1; end chan(ann_n)=curchn; elseif typeh==63 % AUX, I = number of bytes of auxiliary information (which is contained in the next I bytes); an extra null, not included in the byte count, is appended if I is odd. hilfe=bitshift(bitand(A(i,2),3),8)+A(i,1); hilfe=hilfe+mod(hilfe,2); curaux=[]; for j=1:hilfe/2 curaux=[curaux char(A(i+j,1)) char(A(i+j,2))]; end comments{ann_n}=curaux; i=i+hilfe/2; else anntime=[anntime;bitshift(bitand(A(i,2),3),8)+A(i,1)]; type=[type;int2ann(bitshift(A(i,2),-2))]; ann_n=ann_n+1; num(ann_n)=curnum; chan(ann_n)=curchn; end i=i+1; end type(length(type))=[]; % last line = EOF (=0) anntime(length(anntime))=[]; % last line = EOF num(length(num))=[]; chan(length(chan))=[]; num=num'; chan=chan'; if ~isempty(comments) comments=comments'; end subtype=zeros(length(anntime),1); if ~isempty(subtype_temp) subtype(find(subtype_temp~=0))=subtype_temp(find(subtype_temp~=0)); end clear A; anntime= (cumsum(anntime)); end function ann_type=int2ann(ann_int) % input: ann_int, annotation code, integer % output:ann_type, annotation type, char Typestr='NLRaVFJASEj/Q~|sT*D"=pB^t+u?![]en@xf(`)''r'; codeint=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,39,40,40,41]; findp=find(codeint==ann_int); if ~isempty(findp) ann_type=Typestr(findp(1)); else ann_type=' '; end end