function [ids,fullfilenames] = GenerateListOfFilesTBA(ext,datadir,recursive) % %[ids,fullfilenames] = GenerateListOfFilesTBA(ext, datadir, recursive) % % OBJECTIVE: % This function takes the extension ext and finds all relevant % files within the working directory and the subfolders of the % working directory. Works with records that are stored with a % filename in the format '####.ext' % % INPUT: ext - string variable of the extension of filetype % example: 'mat' 'qrs' % datadir - string variable representing the name of the % directory of the data % recursive - % % OUTPUT: ids - vector of identifiers (doubles) listing all records % fulfilenames - full file name for each record(strings) % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Main script written by Adriana N. Vest % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information % % Check for folders inside the data directory so that a decision can be % made about whether to include subfolders or not if strcmp(computer,'GLNXA64') if recursive [~, sysout] = system(['ls ' datadir filesep '*.',ext]); else [~, sysout] = system(['ls ' datadir filesep '*.',ext]); % ANV modified this line to work in linux for MIT NSR files on box % May need to revisit end allfiles = strsplit(sysout); elseif strcmp(computer,'MACI64') || strcmp(computer,'PCWIN64') allfiles1 = []; if recursive allfiles1 = dir(fullfile(datadir, '*', filesep, ['*.' ext])); end allfiles2 = dir(fullfile(datadir, ['*.' ext])); allfiles = [allfiles1;allfiles2]; else error('no files or records found'); end % Initialize arrays to store data ids = cell(length(allfiles), 1); % Create ids vector to store subject identifiers fullfilenames = cell(length(ids),1); % Create cell array to store filenames for i = 1:length(fullfilenames) try if strcmp(computer,'GLNXA64') filename = dir(allfiles{i}); fullfilenames{i} = [allfiles{i}]; filename =; filename = strrep(filename, ['.' ext], ''); ids{i} = filename; elseif strcmp(computer,'MACI64') fullfilenames{i} = [allfiles(i).folder filesep allfiles(i).name]; filename = allfiles(i).name; filename = strrep(filename, ['.' ext], ''); ids{i} = filename; elseif strcmp(computer,'PCWIN64') fullfilenames{i} = [datadir filesep allfiles(i).name]; filename = allfiles(i).name; filename = strrep(filename, ['.' ext], ''); ids{i} = filename; end catch end end if strcmp(computer,'GLNXA64') %idx_rem = find((isempty(ids))); %% This line isn't working on Linux emptyCells = cellfun(@isempty,ids); idx_rem = find(emptyCells); ids(idx_rem) = []; fullfilenames(idx_rem) = []; end if isnumeric(ids{1}) for k = 1:length(ids) ids{k} = num2str(ids{k}); end end