function [goodbeats,badbeats,outliers] = AnnotationConversion(annotations) % [goodbeats,badbeats,outliers] = AnnotationConversion(annotations) % % OVERVIEW: Convert annotations to a logical array, with all Normal % beats (labeled "N") returning as 1 and abnormal beats (not % labeled "N") returning as 0. % % INPUT: annotations - a charactor array containing the annotations % of heart beats, generated by GE MARS and then read by % read_qrs.m % % OUTPUT: all outputs are returned in cell array format % goodbeats - "N" beats % badbeats - the logical inverse of goodbeats % outliers - an array of points to be discarded when % pre-processing the RR interval data. % This includes not only bad beats, but the % beats immediately following bad beats % % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % HRV_toolbox % WFDB Matlab toolbox % WFDB Toolbox % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Main script written by Adriana N. Vest % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %% goodbeats= strcmp(cellstr(annotations),'N'); % find good beats badbeats = ~goodbeats; % badbeats is logical inverse of % good beats outliers = false(length(badbeats),1); % initialize vector to be use to % eliminate bad beats % removing beats after non-N beats for i = 1:length(badbeats) if badbeats(i) outliers(i) = 1; outliers(i+1) = 1; end end % remove extra points that may have been introduced at the end of the file if (length(outliers) > length(badbeats)) z = length(outliers); outliers(z) = []; end end % end function