function data = rrgen(tmax, Pe, Pn, seed, filename); % data = rrgen(tmax, Pe, Pn, seed, 'filename'); % generates artificial rr time series over a time tmax seconds % and dumps the output to 'filename'. If filename is not specified, % the output is returned into the data array. If it is specified, then the % data array is zero-valued and of length(tmax). Pe and Pn are the % probability of ectopy and noise. % Defaults : tmax=300; NoEctopic=1; NoNoise=1; seed=1; % P(ectopy), Pe = 0.0003; ... Probability of ectopy ~ 1 per hr % P(noise), Pn = 0.0048; ... Probability of noise ~ 16 per hr % P(noise) in sleep is Pn/12, P(ectopy) in sleep is unchanged. % % Requires rrgen binary - compilation of rrgen.c on your system: % gcc -Wall rrgen.c -lm -o rrgen % % (C) P.E. McSharry & G.D. Clifford 2002 under the % GNU Public License. Contact P. McSharry ( % or G. Clifford ( % Also see - McSharry P.E., Clifford G.D., Tarassenko L., % Smith L.: Method for generating an artificial RR tachogram of a typical % healthy human over 24-hours, Computers in Cardiology, 29:225-228, IEEE % Computer Society Press, September 2002. if nargin < 5 filename = 'tmp.dat'; end if nargin < 4 seed=1; end if nargin < 3 Pn=0.0048; end if nargin < 2 Pe=0.0003; end if nargin < 1 tmax=300; end if tmax<115 fprintf('Warning, tmax minimum value is 115, using this as default\n') end tmax=round(tmax); eval(['!rrgen ' int2str(seed) ' ' int2str(tmax) ' ' int2str(Pe) ' ' int2str(Pn) ' > ' filename]); fid = fopen(filename,'r'); data = zeros(1,tmax); for(i=1:tmax) fscanf(fid,'%f\n',data(i)); end fclose(fid); % if not file name read in from tmp.dat and then delete it. if nargin < 5 load tmp.dat; data = tmp; if(ispc==1) system('del tmp.dat'); else system('rm tmp.dat'); end end