function [afresults, AfAnalysisWindows, AFfile] = PerformAFdetection(subjectID,tNN,NN,sqi,HRVparams) % PerformAFdetection(subjectID,tNN,NN,HRVparams) % % OVERVIEW: % Perform Atrial Fibrillation (AF) detection % % INPUT: % subjectID : string containing the identifier of the subject to be analyze % tNN : a single row of time indices of the rr interval % data (seconds) % NN : a single row of NN (normal normal) interval % data in seconds % sqi : Signal Quality Index; Requires a matrix with % at least two columns. Column 1 should be timestamps % should be timestamps of each sqi measure, and Column 2 % should be SQI on a scale from 0 to 1. % HRVparam : struct of settings for hrv_toolbox analysis % % OUTPUT: % afresults : a single row containing a flag (1) when AF is % dettected in a window and 0 if no AF % % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox % % % REFERENCE: % Vest et al. "An Open Source Benchmarked HRV Toolbox for Cardiovascular % Waveform and Interval Analysis" Physiological Measurement (In Press), 2018. % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Written by Giulia Da Poian ( on Sep 6, 2017. % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2018 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Modified on 02.14.2018 to include SQI check before evaluating AF; if a % windows contains low SQI signal do not compute AF and mark the window % as NaN if isempty(sqi) sqi(:,1) = tNN; sqi(:,2) = ones(length(tNN),1); end % 1. Calculate AF Features AfAnalysisWindows = CreateWindowRRintervals(tNN,NN,HRVparams,'af'); NNsamps = NN .* HRVparams.Fs; AFtest = nan(length(AfAnalysisWindows),1); for idx = 1:length(AfAnalysisWindows) tstart = AfAnalysisWindows(idx); if ~isnan(tstart) idxInWin = find(tNN >= tstart & tNN< tstart +; % Added by Giulia: exclude from the Analysis low quality % segments (SQI< SQI_threshold) sqiWin = sqi(sqi(:,1) >= tstart & sqi(:,1) < tstart +,2); LowQualityIdxs = find(sqiWin < HRVparams.sqi.LowQualityThreshold); % If enough data has an adequate SQI, perform the calculations cond1 = (numel(LowQualityIdxs)/length(sqiWin)) < HRVparams.RejectionThreshold; % RR interval time series must be > 12 ans <60 to extract feautures cond2 = (length(NNsamps(idxInWin)) > 12 && length(NNsamps(idxInWin)) < 60); if (cond1 && cond2) features_af = AF_features(NNsamps(idxInWin),HRVparams.Fs); AFtest(idx) = SVM_AFdetection_withoutTrainingModel(features_af,1); end end end % 2. Export AF Data as CSV File afresults = AFtest(:); afcol_titles = {'AFtest'}; outputType = 'AF'; AFfile = SaveHRVoutput(subjectID,AfAnalysisWindows,afresults, ... afcol_titles, outputType, HRVparams, tNN, NN);