function [ac_results, dc_results, prsa_ac, prsa_dc] = prsa(rr, rri, HRVparams, sqi, WinStarIdxs) % [ac_results, dc_results] = prsa(rr, rri, sqi, windows_all, HRVparams ) % % OVERVIEW: % Calculates acceleration and deceleration capacity values % INPUT % rr - rr intervals % rri - index of rr intervals % HRVparams - struct of settings for hrv_toolbox analysis % sqi - Signal Quality Index; Requires a matrix with % at least two columns. Column 1 should be % timestamps of each sqi measure, and Column 2 % should be SQI on a scale from 0 to 1. % WinStarIdxs - Starting index of each windows to analyze % % OUTPUT % ac_results - Acceleration Capacity value % dc_results - Deceleration Capacity value % prsa_ac - PRSA signal for AC anchor points % prsa_dc - PRSA signal for DC anchor points % % AUTHORS % L. Campana % G. Clifford % REFERENCE % % % REPO: % % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 AUTHORS (see above) % This code (and all others in this repository) are under the GNU General Public License v3 % See LICENSE in this repo for details. % Feb 13, 2017 % Code altered by Adriana N Vest for the HRV Toolbox. Most of code % unchanged except for HRVparams and Initializations Section and the % inclusion of windowing options. % Oct 13, 2017 % Code altered by Giulia Da Poian to compute AC and DC value at different % scale s % % These default parameters were a part of the original PRSA code developed % by the authors above. % tp = 20; thresh_per % wl = 30; prsa_win_length % fsd = 512; fs %% % Make vector a column rr = rr(:); if nargin < 5 error('no data provided') end if isempty(sqi) sqi(:,1) = rri; sqi(:,2) = ones(length(rri),1); end time_stamp = rri; prsaWinLength = HRVparams.prsa.win_length; s = HRVparams.prsa.scale; PRSA_th = HRVparams.prsa.thresh_per; plot_results = HRVparams.prsa.plot_results; windowlength = HRVparams.windowlength; SQI_th = HRVparams.sqi.LowQualityThreshold; % SQI threshold WinQuality_th = HRVparams.RejectionThreshold; % Low quality windows threshold Anchor_Low_th = 1-PRSA_th/100-.0001; % The lower limit for the AC anchor selection Anchor_High_th = 1+PRSA_th/100; % The upper limit for the DC anchor selection % Preallocation ac_results = nan(length(WinStarIdxs),1); dc_results = nan(length(WinStarIdxs),1); prsa_ac = []; prsa_dc = []; % Run PRSA by Window % Loop through each window of RR data for i_win = 1:length(WinStarIdxs) % Check window for sufficient data if isnan(WinStarIdxs(i_win)) end if ~isnan(WinStarIdxs(i_win)) % Isolate data in this window % idx_NN_in_win = find(rri >= windows_all(i_win) & rri < windows_all(i_win) + windowlength); % idx_sqi_win = find(sqi(:,1) >= windows_all(i_win) & sqi(:,1) < windows_all(i_win) + windowlength); sqi_win = sqi( sqi(:,1) >= WinStarIdxs(i_win) & sqi(:,1) < WinStarIdxs(i_win) + windowlength,:); nn_win = rr( rri >= WinStarIdxs(i_win) & rri < WinStarIdxs(i_win) + windowlength ); % Analysis of SQI for the window lowqual_idx = find(sqi_win(:,2) < SQI_th); % If enough data has an adequate SQI, perform the calculations if numel(lowqual_idx)/length(sqi_win(:,2)) < WinQuality_th % intialize acm = []; dcm = []; drr_per = nn_win(2:end)./nn_win(1:end-1); ac_anchor = (drr_per > Anchor_Low_th) & (drr_per <= .9999); % defines ac anchors, no changes greater then 5% dc_anchor = (drr_per > 1) & (drr_per <= Anchor_High_th); ac_anchor = [0; ac_anchor(:)]; dc_anchor = [0; dc_anchor(:)]; ac_anchor(1:prsaWinLength) = 0; % sets first window to 0 ac_anchor(length(ac_anchor)-prsaWinLength+1:length(ac_anchor)) = 0; % sets last window to 0 dc_anchor(1:prsaWinLength) = 0; % sets first window to 0 dc_anchor(length(dc_anchor)-prsaWinLength+1:length(dc_anchor)) = 0; % sets last window to 0 ac_ind = find(ac_anchor); dc_ind = find(dc_anchor); for i = 1:length(dc_ind) dcm(i,:) = 1000*nn_win(dc_ind(i)-prsaWinLength:dc_ind(i)+prsaWinLength-1); % convert from sec to msec end for i = 1:length(ac_ind) acm(i,:) = 1000*nn_win(ac_ind(i)-prsaWinLength:ac_ind(i)+prsaWinLength-1); % convert from sec to msec end prsa_ac = mean(acm); prsa_dc = mean(dcm); % Edited by Adriana Vest: Added the following if statements to % deal with scenarios when ac or dc is not computable for a % particular window. An example scenario is when the RR % intervals are flat. if ~isnan(prsa_dc) % Edited by Giulia Da Poian dc = (sum(prsa_dc(prsaWinLength+1:prsaWinLength+s)) - sum(prsa_dc(prsaWinLength-(s-1):prsaWinLength))) ./ (2*s); dc_results(i_win,1) = dc; % assign output of window end if ~isnan(prsa_ac) % Edited by Giulia Da Poian ac = (sum(prsa_ac(prsaWinLength+1:prsaWinLength+s)) - sum(prsa_ac(prsaWinLength-(s-1):prsaWinLength))) ./ (2*s); ac_results(i_win,1) = ac; % assign output of window end % Load custom colors = [72 11 11] / 100; = [30 69 31] / 100; % Plot results if plot_results == 1 figure(1); plot(time_stamp,nn_win,'k+'); hold on; figure(2) subplot(2,1,2) plot(dcm,'k--'); legend('Deceleration'); hold on; figure(2) subplot(2,1,1) plot(acm,'k--'); legend('Acceleration'); hold on; figure(3) plot(time_stamp,nn_win,'k-+'); hold on; plot(time_stamp(ac_ind),nn_win(ac_ind), 'color',, 'marker', '+'); plot(time_stamp(dc_ind),nn_win(dc_ind), 'color',, 'marker', '+'); legend('non-anchor','ac anchor','dc anchor'); title('RR anchors'); figure(4); subplot(2,1,1) plot([-2:2*prsaWinLength-2],dcm,'k--') title('dc matrix') hold on plot([-2:2*prsaWinLength-2],prsa_dc,'r'); subplot(2,1,2) plot([-2:2*prsaWinLength-2],acm,'k--') hold on plot([-2:2*prsaWinLength-2],prsa_ac,'r'); title('ac matrix') end % end of plotting condition else % else, if SQI is not adequate end % end of conditional statements run when SQI is adequate else % else, if window is NaN end % end of check for sufficient data end % end of loop through windows end % end of function