function [p,q,D] = dp_dtw(M) % [p,q] = dp(M) % Use dynamic programming to find a min-cost path through matrix M. % Return state sequence in p,q % 2003-03-15 % Copyright (c) 2003 Dan Ellis % released under GPL - see file COPYRIGHT [r,c] = size(M); % costs D = zeros(r+1, c+1); D(1,:) = NaN; D(:,1) = NaN; D(1,1) = 0; D(2:(r+1), 2:(c+1)) = M; % traceback phi = zeros(r,c); for i = 1:r; for j = 1:c; [dmax, tb] = min([D(i, j), D(i, j+1), D(i+1, j)]); D(i+1,j+1) = D(i+1,j+1)+dmax; phi(i,j) = tb; end end % Traceback from top left i = r; j = c; p = i; q = j; while i > 1 & j > 1 tb = phi(i,j); if (tb == 1) i = i-1; j = j-1; elseif (tb == 2) i = i-1; elseif (tb == 3) j = j-1; else error; end p = [i,p]; q = [j,q]; end p=[1,p]; q=[1,q]; % Strip off the edges of the D matrix before returning D = D(2:(r+1),2:(c+1));