function ptt = pulsetransit(ecgann, pulseann) % ptt = pulsetransit(ecgann, pulseann) % % OVERVIEW: Calculate PTT % match pulse annotations with corresponding ecg annotations % % INPUT: % % OUTPUT: % % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % REFERENCE: % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Main script written by Adriana N. Vest % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %% ptt = NaN((length(ecgann)-1),3); for i = 1:(length(ecgann)-1) x = find(pulseann < ecgann(i+1) & pulseann > ecgann(i)); ptt(i,1) = ecgann(i); if x > 0 if length(x)>1 ptt(i,2) = pulseann(x(1)); else ptt(i,2) = pulseann(x); end end ptt(i,3) = ptt(i,2) - ptt(i,1); end end