function avgsqi = WindowAvgSqi(sqi,tNN,HRVparams) % avgsqi = WindowAvgSqi(sqi,tNN,HRVparams) % % OVERVIEW: % % INPUT: MANDATORY: % sqi : Signal Quality Index % tNN : the time indices of the rr interval data (seconds) % HRVparams : struct of settings for hrv_toolbox analysis % % OUTPUT: % avgsqi : average value of SQIs % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Main script written by Adriana N. Vest % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %% [~,col] = size(sqi); %% Create windows for analysis of all windows windows_all = []; for j = 1:(floor(tNN(end))-(HRVparams.windowlength))/HRVparams.overlap indicies = []; try indicies = find(tNN >= (j-1)*HRVparams.overlap & tNN < HRVparams.windowlength+(j-1)*HRVparams.overlap); % windows_all: first coloumn is start time of sliding window % and second column is end time of sliding window windows_all(j,1) = tNN(indicies(1)); windows_all(j,2) = tNN(indicies(end)); catch windows_all(j,1) = NaN; windows_all(j,2) = NaN; end end % Replace windows that aren't equal to variable windowlength (with a tolerance) % with NaN values meas_win_length = windows_all(:,2)-windows_all(:,1); too_short = find(meas_win_length < (HRVparams.windowlength * (1-HRVparams.win_tol))); for k = 1:length(too_short) windows_all(too_short(k),1) = NaN; windows_all(too_short(k),2) = NaN; end % Loop through each window of RR data for i_win = 1:length(windows_all) % Check window for sufficient data if ~isnan(windows_all(i_win,1)) %idx_NN_in_win = find(tNN >= windows_all(i_win,1) & tNN < windows_all(i_win,1) + s.windowlength); idx_sqi_win = find(sqi(:,1) >= windows_all(i_win,1) & sqi(:,1) < windows_all(i_win,1) + HRVparams.windowlength); % Isolate data in this window for k = 1:(col-1) sqi_win = sqi(idx_sqi_win,k+1); avgsqi(i_win,k) = mean(sqi_win); end end end end % end of function