0. Preprocessing of RR intervals (RRIntervalPreprocess.m) This function preprocesses RR interval data in preparation for running HRV analyses. Noise and non-normal beats are removed from the RR interval data and replaced with interpolated data using a interpolation method of choice. Output || || ================================================================================ NNinterp3 || interp1.m || After noise and non-normal beats tinterp3 || interp1.m || are removed data are interpoleted flagged_beats || || using "interp1.m" Matlab fucntion _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Time Domain Metrics ( EvalTimeDomainHRVstats) HRV Metric || Function used || Note || for computation || ================================================================================== NNmean || mean.m || (Matlab function) NNmedian || median.m || (Matlab function) NNmode || mode.m || (Matlab function) NNvariance || var.m || (Matlab function) NNskew || skewness.m || (Matlab function) NNkurt || kurtosis.m || (Matlab function) NNiqr || iqr.m || (Matlab function) SDNN || std.m || (Matlab function) -- Standard deviation of NN intervals RMSSD || runrmssd.m || Adapted from Kaplan Tools -- Square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of the differences pnn50 || pnna.m || Adapted from Kaplan Tools -- Finds the fraction of consecutive beats that differ by more 50 msec btsdet || length.m || (Matlab function) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Frequency Domain Metrics ( EvalFrequencyDomainHRVstats.m) HRV Metric || Function used || Note || for computation || ================================================================================== ulf || CalcLfHfParams.m || need Power Spectral Density (PSD) as input, it is computed vlf || CalcLfHfParams.m || using "pwelch.m" or "pburg.m "Matlab function * lf || CalcLfHfParams.m || hf || CalcLfHfParams.m || or Lomb-Scargle normalized periodogram using lfhf || CalcLfHfParams.m || provided CalcLomb.m function which is quivalent ttlpwr || CalcLfHfParams.m || to Matlab plomb.m || || or double sided spectrum using FFT _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Acceleration and Deceleration Metrics (prsa.m) HRV Metric || Function used || Note || for computation || ================================================================================== ac_results || prsa.m || This function was originall written by dc_results || prsa.m || L.Campana and G.D.Clifford modyfied by A.Vest to be used in HRV toolbox 5. Calculates SDANN and SDNNindex (ClalcSDANN.m) HRV Metric || Function used || Note || for computation || ================================================================================== SDANN || std.m || Standard deviation of the averages of values SDNNI || mean.m || Mean of the standard deviations of all values