function [PSD,F] = CalcLomb(tNN,NN,F,nfft,norm) % % [PSD,F] = CalcLomb(tNN,NN,F,nfft,norm); % TODO: Change Function Name % OVERVIEW: Calculates the Lomb-Scargle normalized periodogram values % "Px" as a function of the supplied vector of frequencies % "f" for input vectors "tNN" (time) and "NN" (observations). % Also returns the probability "Prob" that the null hypothesis % is valid (same length as Px and freq). Time stamps, tNN and % amplitudes "NN" must be the same length. % % Equivalent to the following native Matlab function: % [PSD,f] = plomb(y,t,F,'normalized'); % % INPUT: tNN : the time indices of the rr interval data (seconds) % NN : a single row of NN (normal normal) interval data in seconds % F : frequencies at which PSD should be estimated % default will be determined based on the maximal % frequency detected in RR intervals (1/minimal interval) % nfft : (optional) Only needed for normalization % norm : normalize output; 1 for normalize, 0 for not % % OUTPUT: PSD : % F : % REFERENCE: See Scargle J.D.:"Studies in astronomical time series analysis. II. % Statistical aspects of spectral analysis of unevenly spaced data," % Astrophysical Journal, vol 263, pp. 835-853, 1982. ... and % Lomb N.R: "Least-squares frequency analysis of unequally spaced data", % Astrophysical and Spcae Science, vol 39, pp. 447-462, 1976. % % Sources 43, 162, 198 in Clifford Thesis % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL % SOURCE: Gari Clifford HRV % % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %% % Lomb Scargle Method % maxfreq = 2/(min(diff(t))); % nfft = 1024; % F = [1/nfft:1/nfft:maxfreq]; % setting up frequency vector var = std(NN); % calc var for normalization PSD = zeros(size(F)); for i=1:length(F) %pcnt = 100*i/length(F); %fprintf('Percent Complete: %2.2f\n', pcnt); w = 2*pi*F(i); if w > 0 twt = 2*w*tNN; tau = atan2(sum(sin(twt)),sum(cos(twt)))/2/w; wtmt = w*(tNN - tau); PSD(i) = (sum(NN.*cos(wtmt)).^2)/sum(cos(wtmt).^2) + ... (sum(NN.*sin(wtmt)).^2)/sum(sin(wtmt).^2); else PSD(i) = (sum(NN.*tNN).^2)/sum(tNN.^2); end end if norm for i=1:length(PSD) if var~=0 % check for divide by zero PSD(i)=PSD(i)/2/var.^2; Prob(i) = 1-(1-exp(-PSD(i)))^nfft; else PSD(i)=inf; Prob(i)=1; end if Prob(i) < .001 % allow for possible roundoff error Prob(i) = nfft*exp(-PSD(i)); end end end end