function rr_int = ApplyResamplingToRR(t_win,rr_0,HRVparams) % % rr_int = ApplyResamplingToRR(t_win,rr_0,HRVparams) % % OVERVIEW: Resampling of RR intervals before to apply methods that % require resampled data for frequency domain analysis % % INPUT: % t_win - Vector containing start time of each window % or ECG/PPG waveform % rr_0 - vector of rr intervals to be resampled % HRVparams - struct of settings for hrv_toolbox analysis that can % be obtained using InitializeHRVparams.m function % HRVparams = InitializeHRVparams(); % OUTPUT % rr_int - resampled rr intervals % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % This script written by Giulia Da Poian % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2018 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information sf = HRVparams.freq.resampling_freq; % (Hz) resampling frequency ti = t_win(1):1/sf:t_win(end); % time values for interp. interp_method = HRVparams.freq.resample_interp_method; % Chose the resampling method to use switch interp_method case 'cub' rr_int = interp1(t_win,rr_0,ti','spline')'; % cubic spline interpolation case 'lin' rr_int = interp1(t_win,rr_0,ti','linear')'; %linear interpolation otherwise warning('using cubic spline method') rr_int = interp1(t_win,rr_0,ti','spline')'; % cubic spline interpolation end