function [TO, TS,nPVCs] = Eval_HRT(RRInts, tRRInts, Labels, sqi, HRVparams, WindIdxs) % [TO, TSn, PVCs] = Eval_HRT(RRInts,Labels, HRVparams, WindIdxs) % OVERVIEW: % This function return TO and TS, i.e., the basic parameters of % heart rate turbulence (HRT) used to quantify the return to % equilibrium of heart rate after a premature ventricular % contraction (PVC) for each window % % INPUTS: % RRInts : Vector containing RR intervals data (in seconds) % tRRInts : % Labels : Vector containing annotations of the RR data at % each point indicating the type of the beat (see % % sqi : % HRVparams : % WindIdxs : % % OUTPUTS: % TO : average turbulence onset (TO) % TS : turbulence slop (TS) of the average tachogram % nPVCs : numer of PVCs used to build the average tachogram and % compute the mean TO % % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox % % % REFERENCE: % Vest et al. "An Open Source Benchmarked HRV Toolbox for Cardiovascular % Waveform and Interval Analysis" Physiological Measurement (In Press), 2018. % % REPO: % % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Giulia Da Poian % COPYRIGHT (C) 2018 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information % Verify input arguments if isempty(WindIdxs) WindIdxs = 0; end if isempty(sqi) sqi(:,1) = tRRInts; sqi(:,2) = ones(length(tRRInts),1); end % Preallocate arrays (all NaN) before entering the loop TO = nan(length(WindIdxs),1); TS = nan(length(WindIdxs),1); nPVCs = nan(length(WindIdxs),1); BeatsBefore = HRVparams.HRT.BeatsBefore; BeatsAfter = HRVparams.HRT.BeatsAfter; GraphOn = HRVparams.HRT.GraphOn; windowlength = HRVparams.HRT.windowlength*3600; % Convert hours in seconds SQI_LowQualityThresh = HRVparams.sqi.LowQualityThreshold; RejectionThreshold = HRVparams.RejectionThreshold; filterMethod = HRVparams.HRT.filterMethod; %Analyze by Window % Loop through each window of RR data for iWin = 1:length(WindIdxs) % Check window for sufficient data if ~isnan(WindIdxs(iWin)) % Isolate data in this window idxRRinWin = find(tRRInts >= WindIdxs(iWin) & tRRInts < WindIdxs(iWin) + windowlength); SQIinWin = sqi(sqi(:,1) >= WindIdxs(iWin) & sqi(:,1) < WindIdxs(iWin) + windowlength,:); RRinWin = RRInts(idxRRinWin); LabelsinWin = Labels(idxRRinWin); % Analysis of SQI for the window LowQualityIdxs = find(SQIinWin(:,2) < SQI_LowQualityThresh); % If enough data has an adequate SQI, perform the calculations if numel(LowQualityIdxs)/length(SQIinWin(:,2)) < RejectionThreshold [TO(iWin), TS(iWin), nPVCs(iWin)] = HRT_Analysis(RRinWin,LabelsinWin,BeatsBefore, BeatsAfter, filterMethod, GraphOn); end end % end check for sufficient data end % end of loop through window end % end of Eval_HRT function