function [qrs,jpoints]=wqrsm(data,fs,PWfreq,TmDEF,jflag) % The WQRS detector rewrited from wqrs.c % rewrite by Qiao Li, March 6, 2017 % % % input: % data: ECG data, the wqrs.c used the data in raw adus, if the input % data is in physical units, when the function found the peak-peak % value < 10, it will multiply the value by WFDB_DEFGAIN (200) % fs: sampling frequency (default: 125) % PWfreq: power line (mains) frequency, in Hz (default: 60) % TmDEF: minimum threshold value (default: 100) % jflag: annotate J-points (ends of QRS complexes) (default: 0) % output: % qrs: QRS fiducial mark in samples % jpoints:J-points annotation, if jflag==1 % % Matlab code based on: % file: wqrs.c Wei Zong 23 October 1998 % Last revised: 9 April 2010 (by G. Moody) % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % wqrs: Single-lead QRS detector based on length transform % Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Wei Zong % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under % the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software % Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later % version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A % PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with % this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple % Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. % % You may contact the author by e-mail ( or postal mail % (MIT Room E25-505, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA). For updates to this software, % please visit PhysioNet ( % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % This program analyzes an ECG signal, detecting QRS onsets and J-points, using % a nonlinearly-scaled ECG curve length feature. This version has been optimized % for ECGs sampled at 125 Hz, but it can analyze ECGs sampled at any frequency % using on-the-fly resampling provided by the WFDB library. % % `wqrs' can process records containing any number of signals, but it uses only % one signal for QRS detection (signal 0 by default; this can be changed using % the `-s' option, see below). 'wqrs' has been optimized for adult human ECGs. % For other ECGs, it may be necessary to experiment with the input sampling % frequency and the time constants. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % This matlab version has updates to deal with a variable sampling % frequency but has not been exhanstively tested. % ----- Add notes here: % % if nargin<5 jflag = 0; end if nargin<4 TmDEF = 100; end if nargin<3 PWfreq = 60; end if nargin<2 fs = 125; end clear global wqrsm_Yn wqrsm_Yn1 wqrsm_Yn2 wqrsm_lt_tt wqrsm_lbuf wqrsm_ebuf wqrsm_aet wqrsm_et wqrsm_LPn wqrsm_LP2n wqrsm_lfsc wqrsm_data wqrsm_BUFLN wqrsm_LTwindow global wqrsm_Yn wqrsm_Yn1 wqrsm_Yn2; global wqrsm_lt_tt wqrsm_lbuf wqrsm_ebuf; global wqrsm_aet wqrsm_et; global wqrsm_LPn wqrsm_LP2n wqrsm_lfsc; global wqrsm_data; global wqrsm_BUFLN; global wqrsm_LTwindow; wqrsm_BUFLN = 16384; % /* must be a power of 2, see ltsamp() */ EYE_CLS = 0.25; % /* eye-closing period is set to 0.25 sec (250 ms) */ MaxQRSw = 0.13; % /* maximum QRS width (130ms) */ NDP = 2.5; % /* adjust threshold if no QRS found in NDP seconds */ PWFreqDEF = PWfreq; % /* power line (mains) frequency, in Hz (default) */ % TmDEF = 100; % /* minimum threshold value (default) */ WFDB_DEFGAIN = 200.0; % /* default value for gain (adu/physical unit) */ timer_d=0; gain=WFDB_DEFGAIN; wqrsm_lfsc = fix(1.25*gain*gain/fs); % /* length function scale constant */ PWFreq = PWFreqDEF; % /* power line (mains) frequency, in Hz */ % test data is physical units (mV) or raw adus units datatest=data(1:fix(length(data)/fs)*fs); if length(datatest)>fs datatest=reshape(datatest,fs,[]); end test_ap=median(max(datatest)-min(datatest)); if test_ap<10 % peak-peak < 10 mV, may physical units data=data*gain; end wqrsm_data = data; wqrsm_lbuf = zeros(wqrsm_BUFLN,1); wqrsm_ebuf = zeros(wqrsm_BUFLN,1); wqrsm_ebuf(1:end)=fix(sqrt(wqrsm_lfsc)); wqrsm_lt_tt = 0; wqrsm_aet = 0; wqrsm_Yn = 0; wqrsm_Yn1 = 0; wqrsm_Yn2 = 0; qrs = []; jpoints = []; Tm = fix(TmDEF / 5.0); % spm = 60 * fs; % next_minute = from + spm; wqrsm_LPn = fix(fs/PWFreq); % /* The LP filter will have a notch at the power line (mains) frequency */ if (wqrsm_LPn > 8) wqrsm_LPn = 8; % /* avoid filtering too agressively */ end wqrsm_LP2n = 2 * wqrsm_LPn; EyeClosing = fix(fs * EYE_CLS); % /* set eye-closing period */ ExpectPeriod = fix(fs * NDP); % /* maximum expected RR interval */ wqrsm_LTwindow = fix(fs * MaxQRSw); % /* length transform window size */ % for i=1:2000 % ltdata(i)=ltsamp(i); % end % /* Average the first 8 seconds of the length-transformed samples % to determine the initial thresholds Ta and T0. The number of samples % in the average is limited to half of the ltsamp buffer if the sampling % frequency exceeds about 2 KHz. */ t1 = fs*8; if t1> fix(wqrsm_BUFLN*0.9) t1=wqrsm_BUFLN/2; end T0=0; for t=1:t1 T0 = T0 + ltsamp(t); end T0 = T0 / t1; Ta = 3 * T0; % /* Main loop */ t=1; learning=1; while t t1) learning = 0; T1 = T0; t = 1; % /* start over */ else T1 = 2*T0; end end % /* Compare a length-transformed sample against T1. */ if (ltsamp(t) > T1) % /* found a possible QRS near t */ timer_d = 0; % /* used for counting the time after previous QRS */ maxd = ltsamp(t); mind = maxd; for tt = t+1:t + fix(EyeClosing/2) if (ltsamp(tt) > maxd) maxd = ltsamp(tt); end end for tt = t-1:-1:t - fix(EyeClosing/2) if (ltsamp(tt) < mind) mind = ltsamp(tt); end end if (maxd > mind+10) % /* There is a QRS near tt */ % /* Find the QRS onset (PQ junction) */ onset = fix(maxd/100) + 2; tpq = t - 5; for tt = t:-1:t - fix(EyeClosing/2) if (ltsamp(tt) - ltsamp(tt-1) < onset && ltsamp(tt-1) - ltsamp(tt-2) < onset && ltsamp(tt-2) - ltsamp(tt-3) < onset && ltsamp(tt-3) - ltsamp(tt-4) < onset) tpq = tt - wqrsm_LP2n; % /* account for phase shift */ break; end end if (learning~=1) % /* Check that we haven't reached the end of the record. */ if tpq>length(data) break; end % /* Record an annotation at the QRS onset */ qrs = [qrs tpq]; % J-points processing if (jflag) tj = t+5; for tt=t:t + fix(EyeClosing/2) if ltsamp(tt) > maxd - fix(maxd/10) tj = tt; break; end end if tj>length(data) break; end % Record an annotation at the J-point jpoints = [jpoints tj]; end end % /* Adjust thresholds */ Ta = Ta + (maxd - Ta)/10; T1 = Ta / 3; % /* Lock out further detections during the eye-closing period */ t = t + EyeClosing; end elseif (learning~=1) % /* Once past the learning period, decrease threshold if no QRS % was detected recently. */ timer_d = timer_d + 1; if timer_d > ExpectPeriod && Ta > Tm Ta = Ta -1; T1 = Ta / 3; end end t = t+1; end end function lt_data = ltsamp(t) % /* ltsamp() returns a sample of the length transform of the input at time t. % Since this program analyzes only one signal, ltsamp() does not have an % input argument for specifying a signal number; rather, it always filters % and returns samples from the signal designated by the global variable % 'sig'. The caller must never "rewind" by more than wqrsm_BUFLN samples (the % length of ltsamp()'s buffers). */ global wqrsm_Yn wqrsm_Yn1 wqrsm_Yn2; global wqrsm_lt_tt wqrsm_lbuf wqrsm_ebuf; global wqrsm_aet wqrsm_et; global wqrsm_LPn wqrsm_LP2n wqrsm_lfsc; global wqrsm_data; global wqrsm_BUFLN; global wqrsm_LTwindow; while (t > wqrsm_lt_tt) wqrsm_Yn2 = wqrsm_Yn1; wqrsm_Yn1 = wqrsm_Yn; v0=wqrsm_data(1); v1=wqrsm_data(1); v2=wqrsm_data(1); if wqrsm_lt_tt>0 && wqrsm_lt_tt<=length(wqrsm_data) v0 = wqrsm_data(wqrsm_lt_tt); end if wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LPn>0 && (wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LPn)<=length(wqrsm_data) v1 = wqrsm_data(wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LPn); end if wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LP2n>0 && (wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LP2n)<=length(wqrsm_data) v2 = wqrsm_data(wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LP2n); end if v0~=-32768 && v1~=-32768 && v2~=-32768 wqrsm_Yn = 2*wqrsm_Yn1 - wqrsm_Yn2 + v0 - 2*v1 + v2; end dy = fix((wqrsm_Yn - wqrsm_Yn1) / wqrsm_LP2n); % /* lowpass derivative of input */ wqrsm_lt_tt=wqrsm_lt_tt+1; wqrsm_et = fix(sqrt(wqrsm_lfsc +dy*dy)); % /* length transform */ id = mod(wqrsm_lt_tt,wqrsm_BUFLN); if id == 0 id = wqrsm_BUFLN; end wqrsm_ebuf(id) = wqrsm_et; id2 = mod(wqrsm_lt_tt-wqrsm_LTwindow,wqrsm_BUFLN); if id2 == 0 id2 = wqrsm_BUFLN; end wqrsm_aet = wqrsm_aet + (wqrsm_et - wqrsm_ebuf(id2)); wqrsm_lbuf(id) = wqrsm_aet; % /* wqrsm_lbuf contains the average of the length-transformed samples over % the interval from tt-wqrsm_LTwindow+1 to tt */ end id3 = mod(t,wqrsm_BUFLN); if id3 == 0 id3 = wqrsm_BUFLN; end lt_data = wqrsm_lbuf(id3); end