function out = run_sqrs(ecg,HRVparams,rs) %out = run_sqrs(ecg,s,rs) % OVERVIEW: % QRS onset detector % INPUT: % ecg = single channel of ECG in digital values % s = settings struct % rs = resampling option; 1 = resample original signal, 0 = don't % OUTPUT: % out = sample points of onset of each QRS complex % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % REFERENCE: % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Converted from sqrs.c at: % % to sqrs.m (Matlab) by J. Perry, July 2006 % sqrs.c (C) by G.B. Moody 27 October 1990 % % Last revised by John: 25 February 2006 % Last revised by Gari: 07 February 2007 % % 03-06-2017 % Edited by Adriana Vest % Now requires settings struct HRVparams, which defines debug mode and % sampling frequency, and resampling option rs. % LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT: % See Below % % if debug>0, then plot final data (default; debug=0) % % This algorithm is sensitive to high frequency noise, so you % might want to use an FIR band-pass filter first. % % Avaialble under the GPL (see below) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % sqrs: Single-channel QRS detector % Copyright (C) 1990-2006 George B. Moody % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the % License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA % 02111-1307, USA. % % You may contact the author by e-mail ( or postal % mail (MIT Room E25-505A, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA). For updates to % this software, please visit PhysioNet ( % _________________________________________________________________ % % The detector algorithm is based on example 10 in the WFDB % Programmer's Guide, which in turn is based on a Pascal program % written by W.A.H. Engelse and C. Zeelenberg, "A single scan % algorithm for QRS-detection and feature extraction", Computers in % Cardiology 6:37-42 (1979). `sqrs' does not include the feature % extraction capability of the Pascal program. The output of `sqrs' % is an annotation file (with annotator name `qrs') in which all % detected beats are labelled normal; the annotation file may also % contain `artifact' annotations at locations which `sqrs' believes % are noise-corrupted. % % 'sqrs' has been optimized for adult human ECGs. For other ECGs, % it may be necessary to experiment with the input sampling % frequency and the time constants indicated below. % % This program is provided as an example only, and is not intended % for any clinical application. At the time the algorithm was % originally published, its performance was typical of % state-of-the-art QRS detectors. Recent designs, particularly % those that can analyze two or more input signals, may exhibit % significantly better performance. %% if nargin<2 error('Incorrect number of input arguments: must provide ECG signal and HRV paramters struct') end if nargin < 3 rs = 1; end %debug = s.debug; debug = 0; fs = HRVparams.Fs; if ~rs %% 1. Use Fs of Input time = 0; now = 10; %freq = 256; freq = fs; ms160 = ceil(0.16*freq); ms200 = ceil(0.2*freq); s2 = ceil(2*freq); scmin = 500; % number of ADC units corresponding to scmin microvolts % scmin = muvadu(signal, scmin); scmax = 10 * scmin; slopecrit = 10 * scmin; maxslope = 0; nslope = 0; out = []; while (now < length(ecg)) % && (to == 0) filter = [1 4 6 4 1 -1 -4 -6 -4 -1] * ecg((now-9):now); if (mod(time, s2) == 0) % Adjust slope if (nslope == 0) slopecrit = max(slopecrit - slopecrit/16, scmin); elseif (nslope >= 5) slopecrit = min(slopecrit + slopecrit/16, scmax); end end if (nslope == 0 && abs(filter) > slopecrit) nslope = nslope + 1; maxtime = ms160; if (filter > 0) sign = 1; else sign = -1; end qtime = time; end if (nslope ~= 0) if (filter * sign < -slopecrit) sign = -sign; nslope = nslope + 1; if (nslope > 4) maxtime = ms200; else maxtime = ms160; end elseif (filter * sign > slopecrit && abs(filter) > maxslope) maxslope = abs(filter); end if (maxtime < 0) if (2 <= nslope && nslope <= 4) slopecrit = slopecrit + ((maxslope/4) - slopecrit)/8; if (slopecrit < scmin) slopecrit = scmin; elseif (slopecrit > scmax) slopecrit = scmax; end out = [out; now - (time - qtime) - 4]; %annot.anntyp = NORMAL; time = 0; elseif (nslope >= 5) out = [out; now - (time - qtime) - 4]; %annot.anntyp = ARFCT; end nslope = 0; end maxtime = maxtime - 1; end time = time + 1; now = now + 1; end out=out-1; % adjust for 1 sample offset problem. if debug > 0 plot(ecg,'b'); hold on; plot(out,ecg(out),'m*'); end elseif rs %% 2. Resample at 256 Hz % These time constants may need adjustment for pediatric or % small mammal ECGs. ecg_rs = resample(ecg,256,fs); time = 0; now = 10; freq = 256; ms160 = ceil(0.16*freq); ms200 = ceil(0.2*freq); s2 = ceil(2*freq); %scmin = 500; % ANV changed this to work with real units scmin = 500; % number of ADC units corresponding to scmin microvolts % scmin = muvadu(ecg_rs, scmin); scmax = 10 * scmin; slopecrit = 10 * scmin; maxslope = 0; nslope = 0; out = []; while (now < length(ecg_rs)) % && (to == 0) filter = [1 4 6 4 1 -1 -4 -6 -4 -1] * ecg_rs((now-9):now); if (mod(time, s2) == 0) % Adjust slope if (nslope == 0) slopecrit = max(slopecrit - slopecrit/16, scmin); elseif (nslope >= 5) slopecrit = min(slopecrit + slopecrit/16, scmax); end end if (nslope == 0 && abs(filter) > slopecrit) nslope = nslope + 1; maxtime = ms160; if (filter > 0) sign = 1; else sign = -1; end qtime = time; end if (nslope ~= 0) if (filter * sign < -slopecrit) sign = -sign; nslope = nslope + 1; if (nslope > 4) maxtime = ms200; else maxtime = ms160; end elseif (filter * sign > slopecrit && abs(filter) > maxslope) maxslope = abs(filter); end if (maxtime < 0) if (2 <= nslope && nslope <= 4) slopecrit = slopecrit + ((maxslope/4) - slopecrit)/8; if (slopecrit < scmin) slopecrit = scmin; elseif (slopecrit > scmax) slopecrit = scmax; end out = [out; now - (time - qtime) - 4]; %annot.anntyp = NORMAL; time = 0; elseif (nslope >= 5) out = [out; now - (time - qtime) - 4]; %annot.anntyp = ARFCT; end nslope = 0; end maxtime = maxtime - 1; end time = time + 1; now = now + 1; end out=out-1; % adjust for 1 sample offset problem. if debug > 0 plot(ecg_rs,'b'); hold on; plot(out,ecg_rs(out),'m*'); end end