function [F1, StartIdxSQIwindows] = bsqi(ann1,ann2,HRVparams) % OVERVIEW: % Measure SQI of ECG signals by comparing two peak detection % annotation files. % INPUT: % ann1 = first annotation file % ann2 = second annotation file % HRVparams = settings file % OUTPUT: % output = sqi of each window % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % run_sqi.m % HRV_toolbox % REFERENCE: % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Written by Adriana N. Vest % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2017 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information % % 01-30-2018 - Modified by Giulia Da Poian (GDP): initialize F1 vector % (vector of NaN), removed unused variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin < 3 HRVparams = initialize_HRVparams; end windowlength = HRVparams.sqi.windowlength; threshold = HRVparams.sqi.TimeThreshold; margin = HRVparams.sqi.margin; fs = HRVparams.Fs; ann1 = ann1(:)./fs; ann2 = ann2(:)./fs; endtime = max([ann1(end), ann2(end)]); time = (1/HRVparams.Fs):(1/HRVparams.Fs):endtime; %% 1. Create Windows StartIdxSQIwindows = CreateWindowRRintervals(time, [], HRVparams,'sqi'); % Initialize Vectors F1 = nan(1,length(StartIdxSQIwindows)); %% 2. Calculate SQI for Window for seg = 1:length(StartIdxSQIwindows) % Check window for sufficient data if ~isnan(StartIdxSQIwindows(seg)) % Isolate data in this window try idx_ann1_in_win = find(ann1 >= StartIdxSQIwindows(seg) & ann1 < StartIdxSQIwindows(seg) + windowlength); %idx_ann2_in_win = find(ann1 >= windows_all(i_win) & ann1 < windows_all(i_win) + windowlength); % Normalize timing of annotation data to the windows a1 = ann1(idx_ann1_in_win) - StartIdxSQIwindows(seg); a2 = ann2 - StartIdxSQIwindows(seg); F1(seg) = run_sqi(a1,a2,threshold,margin,windowlength,fs); % GDP : remove unused variables Se,PPV,Nb catch end end end