function [Min_numerator,r]=ReGet_min_numerator(x1,x2,N,m,r,fs) %****************************************************** % $ This function is usded to increase r value if the 'at least 5 match' is not achieved. % $ Used for both COSEn and COFMEn. % % $ Variable declaration: % x1 and x2 are the vector at dimentions of m and m+1 % N is time series length % m is embedding dimension (usually m=1) % r is changed threshold value % fs sample rate % % $ Author: Chengyu Liu ( % Institute of Biomedical Engineering, % Shandong University % $Last updated: 2015.10.10 % Las updated: 2017.19.12 (by Giulia Da Poian) vectorized % % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information dim = N-m; % Fast implementation t1 = repmat(x2(:,1),[1 dim]); t2 = toeplitz([x2(1,1); flipud(x2(2:end,1))], x2(:,1)); t3 = repmat(x2(:,2),[1 dim]); t4 = toeplitz([x2(1,2); flipud(x2(2:end,2))], x2(:,2)); d2max = max(abs(t1-t2),abs(t3-t4)); d2max = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) circshift(d2max(x,:),[1 dim-x+1]),(1:dim)','un',0)); Min_numerator = numel(find(d2max(dim,:)<=r)); % Old implementation (slower) % % for i=1:N-m % % Min_numerator=0; % % for j=1:N-m % % d2max(i,j)=max(abs(x2(i,:)-x2(j,:))); % % if d2max(i,j)<=r % % Min_numerator=Min_numerator+1 % % end % % end % % end if N<20 r=r+1; else r=r+round(1000/fs); end