function [rr,t] = Analyze_ABP_PPG_Waveforms(Waveform,Type,HRVparams,detectedQRS,subjectID) % % Analyze_ABP_PPG_Waveforms(Waveform,Type,HRVparams,detectedQRS,subjectID) % OVERVIEW: % Analyze ABP or PPG waveform % % INPUT: % Waveform - matrix containing the a raw signal in each column % Type - array containing the signal type of waveforms in each column: % 'APB' for ABP waveform % 'PPG' for PPG waveform % HRVparams - struct of settings for HRV analysis % subjectID - string to identify current subject % % OUTPUT % Annotation files % % DEPENDENCIES & LIBRARIES: % PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox % % % REFERENCE: % Vest et al. "An Open Source Benchmarked HRV Toolbox for Cardiovascular % Waveform and Interval Analysis" Physiological Measurement (In Press), 2018. % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Written by Giulia Da Poian ( on Sep 6, 2017. % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2018 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NmbOfSigs = size(Waveform,2); AnnotationFolder = strcat(HRVparams.writedata, filesep, 'Annotation', filesep); if ~exist(AnnotationFolder, 'dir') mkdir(AnnotationFolder) end addpath(AnnotationFolder) rr = []; t = []; for i = 1:NmbOfSigs current_type = Type{i}; switch current_type case 'PPG' % PPG Detection - qppg [PPGann] = qppg(Waveform(:,i),HRVparams.Fs); % PPG SQI [ppgsqi,ppgsqiMatrix,~,~] = PPG_SQI_buf(Waveform(:,i),PPGann,[],[],HRVparams.Fs); ppgsqi_numeric = round(mean(ppgsqiMatrix(:,1:3),2)'); % Write PPG annotations write_ann(strcat(AnnotationFolder, subjectID),HRVparams,'ppg',PPGann); write_ann(strcat(AnnotationFolder, subjectID),HRVparams,'sqippg',PPGann(1:length(ppgsqi)),char(ppgsqi),ppgsqi_numeric); rr = diff(PPGann)./HRVparams.Fs; t = PPGann(2:end)./HRVparams.Fs; case 'ABP' % ABP ABPann = run_wabp(Waveform(:,i)); % ABP SQI ABPfeatures = abpfeature(Waveform(:,i), ABPann, HRVparams.Fs); [BeatQ, ~] = jSQI(ABPfeatures, ABPann, Waveform(:,i)); if ~isempty(detectedQRS) % Pulse Transit Time ptt = pulsetransit(detectedQRS, ABPann); % Plot BP vs PTT syst = ABPfeatures(:,2); if HRVparams.gen_figs figure; plot(syst,ptt(:,3)./HRVparams.Fs,'o'); xlabel('BP (mmHg)'); ylabel('PTT (s)'); title('Pulse Transit Time - BP vs PTT (ABP - QRS)') end end % Write ABP annotations write_ann(strcat(AnnotationFolder, subjectID),HRVparams,'abpm',ABPann); write_ann(strcat(AnnotationFolder, subjectID),HRVparams,'sqiabp',BeatQ(:,1)); end end