#!/usr/bin/perl # file: pbsearch G. Moody 24 February 2012 # Last revised: 13 March 2012 # _____________________________________________________________________________ # PhysioBank CGI search client # # This program provides a web interface for searching in PhysioBank. It # collects user input, constructs queries for the PhysioBank Simple Query # Server (pbsqs), collects the server's replies, and makes them available to # the user. use IO::Socket; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; my $atmurl = ''; # if set, http://$host/cgi-bin/ATM... my $bindir = "/usr/local/bin/"; my $pbsdir = "/home/physionet/html/physiobank/database/pbs/"; my $rec_all= "/home/physionet/html/physiobank/database/RECORDS-ALL"; my @digits = split(//,"ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"); my $help_on; my $id; # value of pbs_id cookie my $utmp = "/atm/pbs"; my $dtmp = "/ptmp$utmp"; # directory for files of query results my $ofdir; # $dtmp/$id my $ofurl; # $utmp/$id my $ofname; # $ofdir/$tag my $qfname; # $ofdir/index.html my $tfname; # $ofdir/index.html~ my $tag; # A, B, C ... pbs(); sub pbs { read_param(); banner(); if ($atmurl) { print "
Attempted unsucessfully to redirect to $atmurl
"; $atmurl = ''; } show_sq_form(); if ($sq_action eq 'Get List') { run_simple_query(); } if ($res_action) { run_compound_query(); } if ($rescount >= 0) { show_results(); } if ($help_on eq 'on') { show_help(); } footer(); } # read_param: read state variables sub read_param { if (!param) { $rescount = -1; } else { $res_action = param('res_action'); @qrlist = param('qrlist'); if ($res_action eq 'Choose') { if (scalar(@qrlist) == 1) { $host = server_name(); $atmurl = "http://$host/cgi-bin/ATM?database=$qrlist[0]"; print redirect(-url=>"$atmurl"); } } $subject = param('subject'); $comp_op = param('comp_op'); $sval = param('sval'); $name_num = param('name_num'); $help_on = param('help_on'); } } # banner: start HTML output, read/set cookie, and print the PhysioBank banner sub banner { my $title='PhysioBank Search'; my %tags = ( 'http-equiv', 'Content-Type', 'content', 'text/html', 'charset', 'utf-8' ); $id = cookie('pbs_id'); $res_action = param('res_action'); print header; show_html("doctype"); if (!$id) { # this user hasn't been here recently -- no previous session $id = set_pbs_id(); } elsif ($res_action eq 'Restore previous session') { $rescount = 0; param(-name=>'id', -value=>$id); refresh_cookie(); } elsif (param('id')) { # this is part of an active session $sq_action = param('sq_action'); if ($sq_action eq 'Discard previous results') { $id = set_pbs_id(); } refresh_cookie(); } else { # this is the beginning of a new session following a previous one $sq_action = ''; } $ofurl = "$utmp/$id"; $ofdir = "$dtmp/$id"; mkdir($ofdir); if (@qrlist) { $qrl = "$ofdir/" . join " $ofdir/", @qrlist; } $qfname = $ofdir . "/index.html"; # index of files of query results $tfname = $qfname . "~"; # previous version of $qfname show_html("head"); } # show_help: show instructions sub show_help { show_html("help"); } # show_sq_form: show form for composing a simple query sub show_sq_form { my @slist = ('age', 'diag', 'info', 'med', 'record', 'sex', 'SPACER', 'SPNAME', 'signal', 'aname', 'antype', 'SPACER', 'SPNUM', 'SPANN', 'annm', 'annr', 'SPSIG', 'BP', 'CO', 'CO2', 'ECG', 'EEG', 'EMG', 'EOG', 'EP', 'Flow', 'HR', 'Noise', 'O2', 'PLETH', 'Pos', 'Resp', 'Sound', 'ST', 'Status', 'Stim', 'SV', 'Temp', 'Unknown'); my %slabels = (age => 'Age (years)', diag => 'Diagnosis', info => 'Info (other metadata)', med => 'Medication', record => 'Record name', sex => 'Sex (F, M, or ?)', SPNAME => '--- Name required, enter below ---', SPNUM => '-- Number optional, enter below --', SPANN => '....... Annotator classes ........', SPSIG => '......... Signal classes .........', SPACER => '__________________________________', annm => '(#) Annotated by software', annr => '(#) Annotated by human', aname => 'Annotated by ... (name)', antype => 'Annotation type ... (name)', signal => 'Signal named ... (name)', BP => '(#) Blood pressure', CO => '(#) Cardiac output', CO2 => '(#) CO2', ECG => '(#) ECG', EEG => '(#) EEG', EMG => '(#) EMG', EOG => '(#) EOG', EP => '(#) Evoked potential', Flow => '(#) Flow', HR => '(#) Heart rate', Noise => '(#) Noise', O2 => '(#) O2', PLETH => '(#) Photoplethysmogram', Pos => '(#) Position', Resp => '(#) Respiration', Sound => '(#) Sound', ST => '(#) ST level', Status => '(#) Status', Stim => '(#) Stimuli', SV => '(#) Stroke volume', Temp => '(#) Temperature', Unknown => 'Unknown'); my @rlist = ('=', '<', '<=', '>=', '>', '~', '!~', '!=', '?'); my $rtitle = "'~' means 'similar', '!~' means 'different', '?' means 'is defined'. If the subject element contains the (string) value, or is within 10% of the (numeric) value, it is similar."; my $vtitle = "Enter the number or character string to compare with the chosen subject elements. Values containing ':' are durations (e.g., 1:30:0 means 1 hour, 30 minutes). Values ending with 'Hz' are sampling frequencies (e.g., 150Hz), and those containing 'adu/' are gains (e.g., 10 adu/mmHg)."; my $gtitle = "Choose a Subject, Relationship, and Value at left, then click Get List to find PhysioBank records that satisfy the condition. A link to the list will appear at the top of the section of results below."; my $ntitle = "If you have chosen from the menu above a subject marked with '(name)', enter the annotator name, annotation type, or signal name here. If you have chosen a subject class marked with '#', you may enter a number here to restrict the search to records having at least that many members of the class."; print '
' . start_form, '
' . '', '', '
' . popup_menu(-name=>'subject', -value=>[@slist], -labels=>{%slabels}) . '' . popup_menu(-name=>'comp_op', -value=>[@rlist], -title=>$rtitle) . '' . textfield(-name=>'sval', -value=>$sval, -size=>25, -title=>$vtitle) . '' . submit(-name=>'sq_action', value=>'Get List', -title=>$gtitle) . '
Name/#:' . textfield(-name=>'name_num', -value=>$name_num, -size=>15, -title=>$ntitle) . ' ', checkbox(-name=>'help_on', -label=>'Show/Hide Help', -onclick=>'submit()') . '
' . hidden(-name=>'id', -value=>$id); if (!param('id')) { print '

 '. submit(-name=>'res_action', -value=>'Restore previous session') . submit(-name=>'sq_action', -value=>'Discard previous results'); } print '

'; } # show_results: show summary and links to results of previous queries sub show_results { show_html("results"); print '
'; show_html_in_columns($qfname); print "
"; } # footer: finish the page sub footer { show_html("footer"); print end_html; } sub make_qrlist { if (open(QFILE, $qfname)) { $last = ; @tokens = split(" ", $last); $n = tag2int($tokens[5]) + 1; int2tag($n); close(QFILE); } else { $tag = "A"; } $ofname = "$ofdir/$tag"; } sub update_qindex { # prepend this set of results to the query results index rename $qfname, $tfname; $cksum = `cksum $ofdir/$tag | cut '-d ' -f1`; chomp($cksum); open QFILE, '>', $qfname or die $!; print QFILE "
" . " $tag [$rescount] $query\n"; # If a list is erased and then a new list with the same name is created, # the CRC checksum will be different (with very high probability, unless # the search produced the same results). Including the CRC as extra # pathinfo, as above, ensures that if it has changed, the browser will # reread the new list rather than displaying the (stale) cached list. if (open(TFILE, $tfname)) { while () { print QFILE $_; } close TFILE; } close QFILE; } sub run_compound_query { $ofname = "/dev/null"; if ($res_action eq 'And') { if (scalar(@qrlist) > 1) { $command = $bindir . "pbs-and $qrl"; $query = join " ∩ ", @qrlist; make_qrlist($query); } } elsif ($res_action eq 'Or') { if (scalar(@qrlist) > 1) { $command = $bindir . "pbs-or $qrl"; $query = join " ∪ ", @qrlist; make_qrlist($query); } } elsif ($res_action eq 'Not') { if (scalar(@qrlist) == 1) { $command = $bindir . "pbs-not $rec_all $qrl"; $query = "¬ @qrlist[0]"; make_qrlist($query); } } # 'Choose' is handled at the top because redirect must precede other output elsif ($res_action eq 'Erase') { if (scalar(@qrlist) >= 1) { $command = $bindir . "pbs-erase $qrl"; } } if ($command) { # create the query results file open OFILE, '>', $ofname or die $!; open(CQ, "$command|"); $rescount = 0; while () { print OFILE $_; $rescount++; } close CQ; close OFILE; if ($query) { update_qindex(); } } } sub run_simple_query { if ($subject eq 'aname') { if ("x$name_num" ne "x") { $sstring = "\@$name_num"; } else { return;} } elsif ($subject eq 'antype') { if ("x$name_num" ne "x") { $sstring = "/$name_num"; } else { return;} } elsif ($subject eq 'signal') { if ("x$name_num" ne "x") { $sstring = "\'$name_num\'"; } else { return;} } elsif ($subject =~ m/SP/) { return; } elsif ($name_num =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) { $sstring = "$subject-$name_num"; } else { $sstring = $subject; } $foo = "x". "$sval"; if ($foo eq 'x') { $comp_op = '?'; param(-name=>'comp_op', -value=>'?'); } if ($comp_op eq '?') { $query = "$sstring ?"; } elsif ($sval =~ m/ /) { $query = "$sstring $comp_op \"$sval\""; } else { $query = "$sstring $comp_op $sval"; } make_qrlist($query); $rescount = 0; # open a connection to pbsqs (port 9967) $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => 9967, Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Couldn't connect to localhost:9967 : $@\n"; # wait for the server's prompt do { $answer = <$socket>; } until ($answer =~ m/^pbs>/); # send the query print $socket $query . "\n"; # create the query results file open OFILE, '>', $ofname or die $!; $answer = <$socket>; # get the first line of the server's reply until ($answer =~ m/^pbs>/) { # copy the reply to the results file until it writes another prompt print OFILE $answer; $rescount++; $answer = <$socket>; } close OFILE; # finished, close the socket close $socket; # update the query index update_qindex(); } # show_html: open a PhysioBank pbsearch HTML file and print it sub show_html { show_file("$pbsdir/$_[0].html"); } # show_html_in_columns: print a file in columns of up to 12 rows sub show_html_in_columns { if (open(FILE, $_[0])) { print "
"; $row = 0; while () { print $_; if (++$row >= 12) { print "
"; $row = 0; } } close(FILE); print "
"; } } # show_file: open a file and print it sub show_file { if (open(FILE, $_[0])) { while () { print $_; } close(FILE); } } # show_pre: open a file and print it with HTML escapes sub show_pre { if (open(FILE, $_[0])) { print "
	while () {
	    print $_;
	print "
"; } } # int2tag: convert an integer to a list tag. Tags are bijective base-24 # numerals written using upper-case letters (excluding I and O) as digits: # A .. Z, AA .. AZ, BA .. BZ, ... sub int2tag { $n = $_[0]; $tag = ''; do { $n--; $tag = $digits[$n % 24] . $tag; $n /= 24; } while ($n >= 1); $tag; } sub tag2int { my $tag = $_[0]; my $n = 0; my @tdigits = split(//,$tag); foreach $digit (@tdigits) { $n *= 24; foreach my $i (0..23) { if ($digit eq $digits[$i]) { $n += $i+1; break; } } } $n; } sub set_pbs_id { require Digest::MD5; my $md5 = new Digest::MD5; my $id = $md5->md5_base64(time, $$); $id =~ tr|+/=|-_.|; # Make non-word characters URL-friendly print ''+10d') . '">'; $id; } sub refresh_cookie { print ''+10d') . '">'; $id; }