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Notes on the third edition

Long time users of WAVE will note that this edition has been greatly expanded over previous editions. In part, this reflects more complete coverage of the original material, but WAVE itself has also grown. WAVE 6.0 is available for downloading from the Internet.

I have received many requests for a version of WAVE that runs on a PC. This is possible at last! Under the remarkably complete, and completely free, Linux operating system, WAVE now runs exactly as it does on SPARCstations. If you have wanted to use WAVE but have been limited to using a PC, please try out Linux.

This on-line version of the WAVE User's Guide was prepared using LaTeX2html from the same LaTeX sources used for the printed manual. You can print your own copy from the PostScript version here. The most recent LaTeX, HTML, and PostScript versions can be obtained from the MIT-BIH Database Distribution Home Page, where you can also find an order form for obtaining printed copies of this guide and related materials. I would be grateful for reports of any typographic or other problems in the HTML version, since the translation to HTML is automated and may be less than perfect. Note that the distributed HTML version uses HTML 3.0 table tags, and for this reason the pages containing tables (there are only a few) are best viewed with a browser that can interpret these tags, such as Netscape. If you don't like this feature, an HTML 2.0 version can be produced using LaTeX2html (see the file named .latex2html-init in the directory of LaTeX sources). Once again, my sincere thanks to all of the users of WAVE, whose questions, comments, and suggestions have helped to make WAVE and this guide more useful for all of us.

Cambridge, Massachusetts
August, 1996

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George B. Moody (
Wed May 7 20:21:25 EDT 1997