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Multi-edit mode

    If you plan to use WAVE with records containing signals that must be annotated independently, read this section.

Using the Show annotations  tex2html_wrap9074 menu button  in WAVE's View window, you


may choose to display annotations attached to signals, rather than in the center of the signal window as is the usual default. In this case, the    chan field of each annotation specifies the signal number of the signal to which it is attached. If annotation editing is enabled when annotations are displayed in this way, WAVE is in multi-edit mode.

  WAVE draws the signals in order of signal number from the top to the bottom of the signal window, beginning with signal number 0 at the top of the signal window. When annotations are attached to signals, WAVE draws them about 2 mm above the center of the range of the attached signal (except for special annotations that are displaced above or below the usual level). Although this presentation usually helps to avoid the visual confusion that might result from drawing annotations directly on the associated signals, it may contribute to confusion if the spacing between signals is too small (as may happen if the signal window is reduced in height, or if many signals are displayed). If this becomes a problem, try increasing the height of the signal window (by dragging on the resize handles on the window frame), or displaying only a subset of the signals (by specifying which signals are to be shown in the Signal list field in WAVE's Analyze window, and selecting `listed signals only' from the Draw:  tex2html_wrap9074 menu in WAVE's View window).

In multi-edit mode, annotation editing operations are slightly different from those described above. The most important difference is that you must always point to the desired signal when inserting or moving annotations. In this mode, the chan field in the Annotation Template window does not determine the chan field of an inserted annotation; rather, the signal to which you point determines the chan field, and the chan field in the Annotation Template window is updated accordingly after each insertion. To move an annotation to a different signal, simply select it and drag the pointer to the desired time and signal. If you wish to change the chan field of an annotation without changing its time, select the annotation and use the tex2html_wrap9164 and tex2html_wrap9166 keys to move it to the desired signal. Hold down tex2html_wrap9168 during these operations to copy the annotation, rather than to move it (simultaneous annotations are permitted if their chan fields differ).

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George B. Moody (
Wed May 7 20:21:25 EDT 1997