/* file: menu.h G. Moody 31 May 1995 Last revised: 2 June 1995 This file contains menu definitions for use by rdacexp. */ struct menu_entry { int index_no; char *name; char *menu_string; }; /* The section menu determines which input file must be read. For each subject (patient record) there may be up to 7 text files that contain tables exported by Microsoft Access. */ enum { MHISTORY=1, MSYSTEMR, MPHYSICA, MPROBLEM, MPROGRES, MSOAPNOT, MCARDIOV /* add additional index_no definitions here ... */ }; struct menu_entry section_list[] = { { MHISTORY, "histo.txt", "History Menu" }, { MSYSTEMR, "syste.txt", "System Review" }, { MPHYSICA, "physi.txt", "Physical Exam" }, { MPROBLEM, "probl.txt", "Problem List" }, { MPROGRES, "progr.txt", "Progress Notes" }, { MSOAPNOT, "soap_.txt", "SOAP Notes" }, { MCARDIOV, "cardi.txt", "Cardiovascular" } /* add additional section_list entries here ... */ }; #define SECLISTLEN (sizeof(section_list)/sizeof(struct menu_entry)) /* History menu. */ enum { HDOCTOR=1, HAGE, HADMISS, HDISCHA, HCHIEFC, HPRESEN, HPASTIL, HHOSPIT }; struct menu_entry history_list[] = { { HDOCTOR, "doctor", "Doctor" }, { HAGE, "age", "Age" }, { HADMISS, "admission date", "Admission Date" }, { HDISCHA, "discharge date", "Discharge Date" }, { HCHIEFC, "Chief Complaint", "Chief Complaint" }, { HPRESEN, "Present Illness", "Present Illness" }, { HPASTIL, "Past Illnesses", "Past Illnesses" }, { HHOSPIT, "Hospitalizations", "Hospitalizations" } }; #define HISLISTLEN (sizeof(history_list)/sizeof(struct menu_entry)) /* Cardiovascular menu. */ enum { CBLOODP=1 }; struct menu_entry cardio_list[] = { { CBLOODP, "Systolic\tDiastolic", "Blood Pressure" } }; #define CARLISTLEN (sizeof(cardio_list)/sizeof(struct menu_entry)) /* Physical examination menu. */ enum { PDATE=1, PSYSTOL, PDIASTO, PPULSE, PTEMPER, PRESPIR, PHEIGHT, PWEIGHT, PBSA, PGENERA, PSKIN, PHEENT, PNECK, PCHEST, PHEART, PBREAST, PABDOME }; struct menu_entry phys_list[] = { { PDATE, "date", "Date of examination" }, { PSYSTOL, "Systolic", "Systolic" }, { PDIASTO, "Diastolic", "Diastolic" }, { PPULSE, "Pulse", "Pulse" }, { PTEMPER, "Temperature", "Temperature" }, { PRESPIR, "Respiration", "Respiration" }, { PHEIGHT, "Height", "Height" }, { PWEIGHT, "Weight", "Weight" }, { PBSA, "BSA", "BSA" }, { PGENERA, "general appearance", "General appearance" }, { PSKIN, "skin", "Skin" }, { PHEENT, "HEENT", "HEENT" }, { PNECK, "Neck", "Neck" }, { PCHEST, "Chest and Lungs", "Chest and Lungs" }, { PHEART, "Heart", "Heart" }, { PBREAST, "Breasts", "Breasts" }, { PABDOME, "Abdomen", "Abdomen" } }; #define PHYLISTLEN (sizeof(phys_list)/sizeof(struct menu_entry)) /* System review menu. */ enum { SHEENT=1, SRESPIR, SCARDIO, SGASTRO, SGENITO, SMENSTR, SNEUROM, SNEUROP, SMUSCUL, SOTHER }; struct menu_entry sys_list[] = { { SHEENT, "Sys Review-HEENT", "HEENT" }, { SRESPIR, "Sys Review-Respiratory", "Respiratory" }, { SCARDIO, "Sys Review-Cardiovascular", "Cardiovascular" }, { SGASTRO, "Sys Review-Gastrointestinal", "Gastrointestinal" }, { SGENITO, "Sys Review-Genitourinary", "Genitourinary" }, { SMENSTR, "Sys Review-Menstrual-Endocrine", "Menstrual-Endocrine" }, { SNEUROM, "Sys Review-Neuromuscular", "Neuromuscular" }, { SNEUROP, "Sys Review Neuropsychiatric", "Neuropsychiatric" }, { SMUSCUL, "Sys Review-Muscular-Skeletal", "Musculo-Skeletal" }, { SOTHER, "Other", "Other" } }; #define SYSLISTLEN (sizeof(sys_list)/sizeof(struct menu_entry))