/* file: coherence.c G. Moody 22 December 1993 Coherence and cross-spectral power estimation This program is based on a Fortran program by C.R. Arnold, G.C. Carter, and J.F. Ferrie, as described in `A coherence and cross-spectral estimation program', by G.C. Carter and J.F. Ferrie, in Programs for Digital Signal Processing, edited by the Digital Signal Processing Committee of the IEEE ASSP Society (New York: IEEE Press, 1979). The functions fft842() and its auxiliary functions r2tx(), r4tx(), and r8tx(), are based on Fortran subroutines by G.D. Bergland and M.T. Dolan, as described by them in `Fast Fourier transform algorithms', also included in Programs for Digital Signal Processing. The input to this program is a text file containing two columns of numbers, which are taken to be the time series, with a pair of contemporaneous samples on each line. The output contains five columns of numbers (optionally preceded by column headings); from left to right, these columns are frequency (in Hz), coherence, cross-spectral power (in dB), auto-spectral power (in dB) for the first time series, and auto-spectral power (in dB) for the second time series. In outline, the computations are performed as follows: 1. A segment of the input file is read. By default, each segment contains 1024 samples from each time series; the segment length may be set using the -n option. 2. The DC components and linear trends are removed from the data contained in the segment, and Hanning (cosine) windows are applied to these data. 3. Using fft842(), the auto- and cross-spectra for the segment are determined. 4. Running totals of the auto- and cross-spectra for each segment are updated. 5. The input file pointer is repositioned so that the next samples to be read are those at the middle of the current segment. (This is the reason why the input cannot be obtained from a pipe, since pipes do not permit backward seeks.) 6. Steps 1-5 are repeated until the entire input file has been read. 7. The accumulated auto- and cross-spectra are normalized. This step may optionally include scaling to account for differences in the units or variances of the input time series; unless the -x option is used, no such scaling is applied. 8. The magnitude squared coherence is calculated as the quotient of the normalized, accumulated, squared cross-spectrum and the product of the normalized, accumulated autospectra. Usage: coherence -i FILENAME [ OPTIONS ] where FILENAME is the name of the input file, and OPTIONS may include: -f FREQUENCY specify sampling frequency in Hz (default: 250) -n SIZE specify number of samples per segment (default: 1024) -v print column headings -x SX SY specify scale factors for the two time series (defaults: 1) */ #include #include #include /* Function types. */ int load(); void coherence(), lremv(), fft842(); double *xx, *yy, *gxx, *gyy, *gxyre, *gxyim, *phi, *weight; double sampfreq = 250.0; FILE *ifile = NULL; int npfft; /* points per Fourier transform segment (a power of 2) */ int vflag; /* print column headings if non-zero */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i, pps = 1024; double sfx = 1.0, sfy = 1.0, atof(); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i] == '-') switch (*(argv[i]+1)) { case 'f': /* sampling frequency (Hz) follows */ if (++i >= argc || (sampfreq = atof(argv[i])) <= 0.0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: sampling frequency (Hz) must follow -f\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } break; case 'i': /* input file name follows */ if (++i >= argc) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: input file name must follow -i\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0) ifile = stdin; else if ((ifile = fopen(argv[i], "r")) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open input file %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } break; case 'n': /* number of points per segment follows */ if (++i >= argc || (pps = atoi(argv[i])) < 2 || pps > 32768) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: number of points per segment (between 2 and 32768) must follow -n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } break; case 'v': /* print column headings */ vflag = 1; break; case 'x': /* scale factors follow */ if (++i >= argc || (sfx = atof(argv[i])) == 0.0 || ++i >= argc || (sfy = atof(argv[i])) == 0.0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: scale factors must follow -x\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } break; default: (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized argument %s\n", argv[0],argv[i]); exit(1); } } if (ifile == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -i FILENAME [ OPTIONS ]\n", argv[0]); (void)fprintf(stderr, " where FILENAME is the name of the file containing the samples of the two\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " time series arranged in two columns (use `-' for standard input, which\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " may not come from a pipe), and\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " OPTIONS may include:\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " -f FREQ specify sampling frequency in Hz (default: 250)\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " -n SIZE specify number of samples per segment (default: 1024)\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " -v print column headings\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " -x SX SY specify scale factors for the two time series (defaults: 1)\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " The standard output contains five columns: frequency (Hz), coherence,\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, " and power cross- and auto-spectral densities (dB).\n"); exit(1); } /* Number of FFT inputs (a power of 2 no less than nnn). */ for (npfft = 2; npfft < pps; npfft <<= 1) ; if ((xx = (double *)calloc(npfft, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (yy = (double *)calloc(npfft, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (gxx = (double *)calloc(npfft/2 + 1, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (gyy = (double *)calloc(npfft/2 + 1, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (gxyre = (double *)calloc(npfft/2 + 1, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (gxyim = (double *)calloc(npfft/2 + 1, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (phi = (double *)calloc(npfft/2 + 1, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (weight = (double *)calloc(npfft, sizeof(double))) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: insufficient memory (try again using -n %d)\n", argv[0], npfft/2); exit(1); } coherence(pps, sfx, sfy); exit(0); } void coherence(nnn, sfx, sfy) int nnn; /* number of points per segment */ double sfx, sfy;/* scale factors for input data */ { double df, dt, sf, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4; int i, nloaded, nd2, nffts; /* Number of FFT outputs (half of the number of inputs). */ nd2 = npfft/2; /* Compute Hanning window. */ for (i = 0; i < nnn; i++) weight[i] = 0.5*(1 - cos(2.0*M_PI*i/(nnn - 1))); /* Read a pair of segments, and compute and sum their spectra. */ for (nffts = 0; (nloaded = load(xx, yy, nnn)) > 0; nffts++) { /* Detrend and zero-mean xx[] and yy[]. */ lremv(xx, nloaded); lremv(yy, nloaded); /* Apply Hanning window. */ for (i = 0; i < nloaded; i++) { xx[i] *= weight[i]; yy[i] *= weight[i]; } /* Compute forward FFT. */ fft842(0, npfft, xx, yy); /* Compute auto- and cross-spectra. */ gxx[0] += 4.0 * xx[0] * xx[0]; gyy[0] += 4.0 * yy[0] * yy[0]; gxyre[0] += 2.0 * xx[0] * yy[0]; gxyim[0] = 0.0; for (i = 1; i < nd2; i++) { double xi = xx[i], xj = xx[npfft-i], yi = yy[i], yj = yy[npfft-i]; gxx[i] += (xi+xj)*(xi+xj) + (yi-yj)*(yi-yj); gyy[i] += (yi+yj)*(yi+yj) + (xi-xj)*(xi-xj); gxyre[i] += xi*yj + xj*yi; gxyim[i] += xj*xj + yj*yj - xi*xi - yi*yi; } } if (nffts == 0) return; /* Sample interval (seconds). */ dt = 1.0/sampfreq; /* Frequency interval (Hz). */ df = 1.0/(dt*npfft); /* Normalize estimates. */ temp1 = sfx * dt / (4.0 * nnn * nffts); temp2 = sfy * dt / (4.0 * nnn * nffts); sf = sqrt(fabs(sfx*sfy)); temp3 = sf * dt / (2.0 * nnn * nffts); temp4 = sf * dt / (4.0 * nnn * nffts); if (vflag) (void)printf( "Freq (Hz) Coherence gxy (dB) gxx (dB) gyy (dB)\n"); for (i = 0; i < nd2; i++) { gxx[i] *= temp1; gyy[i] *= temp2; gxyre[i] *= temp3; gxyim[i] *= temp4; /* Compute and print magnitude squared coherence (dimensionless), and cross- and auto-spectra (in dB). */ phi[i] = gxyre[i]*gxyre[i] + gxyim[i]*gxyim[i]; if (gxx[i] == 0.0 || gyy[i] == 0.0) xx[i] = 1.0; else xx[i] = phi[i] / (gxx[i]*gyy[i]); (void)printf("%9.4lf %9.4lf %10.4lf %10.4lf %10.4lf\n", df*i, xx[i], (phi[i] > 1.0e-10 ? 5.0*log10(phi[i]) : -50.0), (gxx[i] > 1.0e-10 ? 10.0*log10(gxx[i]) : -100.0), (gyy[i] > 1.0e-10 ? 10.0*log10(gyy[i]) : -100.0)); } } /* This function loads the data arrays. */ int load(xx, yy, nnn) double *xx, *yy;/* arrays to be filled */ int nnn; /* number of values to be loaded into each array (<= npfft) */ { int i, nloaded, nd2 = nnn/2; static long pos; (void)fseek(ifile, pos, 0); for (i = 0; i < nnn; i++) { if (i == nd2) pos = ftell(ifile); if (fscanf(ifile, "%lf%lf", xx+i, yy+i) != 2) break; } nloaded = i; if (i < npfft) { if (i < nd2) pos = ftell(ifile); for ( ; i < npfft; i++) *(xx+i) = *(yy+i) = 0.0; } return (nloaded); } /* This function computes and removes the DC component and the slope of an array. */ void lremv(xx, nnn) double *xx; /* input data array */ int nnn; /* number of values in data array */ { int i; double fln; double dc; /* DC component of data */ double slope; /* slope of data */ dc = slope = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nnn; i++) { dc += xx[i]; slope += xx[i]*(i+1); } dc /= (double)nnn; slope *= 12.0/(nnn*(nnn*(double)nnn-1.0)); slope -= 6.0*dc/(nnn-1.0); fln = dc - 0.5*(nnn+1.0)*slope; for (i = 0; i < nnn; i++) xx[i] -= (i+1)*slope + fln; } void r2tx(nthpo, cr0, cr1, ci0, ci1) int nthpo; double *cr0, *cr1, *ci0, *ci1; { int i; double temp; for (i = 0; i < nthpo; i += 2) { temp = cr0[i] + cr1[i]; cr1[i] = cr0[i] - cr1[i]; cr0[i] = temp; temp = ci0[i] + ci1[i]; ci1[i] = ci0[i] - ci1[i]; ci0[i] = temp; } } void r4tx(nthpo, cr0, cr1, cr2, cr3, ci0, ci1, ci2, ci3) int nthpo; double *cr0, *cr1, *cr2, *cr3, *ci0, *ci1, *ci2, *ci3; { int i; double i1, i2, i3, i4, r1, r2, r3, r4; for (i = 0; i < nthpo; i += 4) { r1 = cr0[i] + cr2[i]; r2 = cr0[i] - cr2[i]; r3 = cr1[i] + cr3[i]; r4 = cr1[i] - cr3[i]; i1 = ci0[i] + ci2[i]; i2 = ci0[i] - ci2[i]; i3 = ci1[i] + ci3[i]; i4 = ci1[i] - ci3[i]; cr0[i] = r1 + r3; ci0[i] = i1 + i3; cr1[i] = r1 - r3; ci1[i] = i1 - i3; cr2[i] = r2 - i4; ci2[i] = i2 + r4; cr3[i] = r2 + i4; ci3[i] = i2 - r4; } } void r8tx(nx, nthpo, length, cr0, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr4, cr5, cr6, cr7, ci0, ci1, ci2, ci3, ci4, ci5, ci6, ci7) int nx, nthpo, length; double *cr0, *cr1, *cr2, *cr3, *cr4, *cr5, *cr6, *cr7; double *ci0, *ci1, *ci2, *ci3, *ci4, *ci5, *ci6, *ci7; { double scale = 2.0*M_PI/length, arg, tr, ti; double c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7; double s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7; double ar0, ar1, ar2, ar3, ar4, ar5, ar6, ar7; double ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3, ai4, ai5, ai6, ai7; double br0, br1, br2, br3, br4, br5, br6, br7; double bi0, bi1, bi2, bi3, bi4, bi5, bi6, bi7; int j, k; for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) { arg = j*scale; c1 = cos(arg); s1 = sin(arg); c2 = c1*c1 - s1*s1; s2 = 2.0*c1*s1; c3 = c1*c2 - s1*s2; s3 = c2*s1 + s2*c1; c4 = c2*c2 - s2*s2; s4 = 2.0*c2*s2; c5 = c2*c3 - s2*s3; s5 = c3*s2 + s3*c2; c6 = c3*c3 - s3*s3; s6 = 2.0*c3*s3; c7 = c3*c4 - s3*s4; s7 = c4*s3 + s4*c3; for (k = j; k < nthpo; k += length) { ar0 = cr0[k] + cr4[k]; ar4 = cr0[k] - cr4[k]; ar1 = cr1[k] + cr5[k]; ar5 = cr1[k] - cr5[k]; ar2 = cr2[k] + cr6[k]; ar6 = cr2[k] - cr6[k]; ar3 = cr3[k] + cr7[k]; ar7 = cr3[k] - cr7[k]; ai0 = ci0[k] + ci4[k]; ai4 = ci0[k] - ci4[k]; ai1 = ci1[k] + ci5[k]; ai5 = ci1[k] - ci5[k]; ai2 = ci2[k] + ci6[k]; ai6 = ci2[k] - ci6[k]; ai3 = ci3[k] + ci7[k]; ai7 = ci3[k] - ci7[k]; br0 = ar0 + ar2; br2 = ar0 - ar2; br1 = ar1 + ar3; br3 = ar1 - ar3; br4 = ar4 - ai6; br6 = ar4 + ai6; br5 = ar5 - ai7; br7 = ar5 + ai7; bi0 = ai0 + ai2; bi2 = ai0 - ai2; bi1 = ai1 + ai3; bi3 = ai1 - ai3; bi4 = ai4 + ar6; bi6 = ai4 - ar6; bi5 = ai5 + ar7; bi7 = ai5 - ar7; cr0[k] = br0 + br1; ci0[k] = bi0 + bi1; if (j > 0) { cr1[k] = c4*(br0-br1) - s4*(bi0-bi1); ci1[k] = c4*(bi0-bi1) + s4*(br0-br1); cr2[k] = c2*(br2-bi3) - s2*(bi2+br3); ci2[k] = c2*(bi2+br3) + s2*(br2-bi3); cr3[k] = c6*(br2+bi3) - s6*(bi2-br3); ci3[k] = c6*(bi2-br3) + s6*(br2+bi3); tr = M_SQRT1_2*(br5-bi5); ti = M_SQRT1_2*(br5+bi5); cr4[k] = c1*(br4+tr) - s1*(bi4+ti); ci4[k] = c1*(bi4+ti) + s1*(br4+tr); cr5[k] = c5*(br4-tr) - s5*(bi4-ti); ci5[k] = c5*(bi4-ti) + s5*(br4-tr); tr = -M_SQRT1_2*(br7+bi7); ti = M_SQRT1_2*(br7-bi7); cr6[k] = c3*(br6+tr) - s3*(bi6+ti); ci6[k] = c3*(bi6+ti) + s3*(br6+tr); cr7[k] = c7*(br6-tr) - s7*(bi6-ti); ci7[k] = c7*(bi6-ti) + s7*(br6-tr); } else { cr1[k] = br0 - br1; ci1[k] = bi0 - bi1; cr2[k] = br2 - bi3; ci2[k] = bi2 + br3; cr3[k] = br2 + bi3; ci3[k] = bi2 - br3; tr = M_SQRT1_2*(br5 - bi5); ti = M_SQRT1_2*(br5 + bi5); cr4[k] = br4 + tr; ci4[k] = bi4 + ti; cr5[k] = br4 - tr; ci5[k] = bi4 - ti; tr = -M_SQRT1_2*(br7 + bi7); ti = M_SQRT1_2*(br7 - bi7); cr6[k] = br6 + tr; ci6[k] = bi6 + ti; cr7[k] = br6 - tr; ci7[k] = bi6 - ti; } } } } void fft842(in, n, x, y) int in; /* 0: forward FFT; non-zero: inverse FFT */ int n; /* number of points */ double *x, *y; /* arrays of points */ { double temp; int i, j, ij, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12, j13, j14, ji, l[15], nt, nx, n2pow, n8pow; for (n2pow = nt = 1; n2pow <= 15 && n > nt; n2pow++) nt <<= 1; n2pow--; if (n != nt) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "fft842: %d is not a power of 2\n", n); exit(2); } n8pow = n2pow/3; if (in == 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) y[i] = -y[i]; } /* Do radix 8 passes, if any. */ for (i = 1; i <= n8pow; i++) { nx = 1 << (n2pow - 3*i); r8tx(nx, n, 8*nx, x, x+nx, x+2*nx, x+3*nx, x+4*nx, x+5*nx, x+6*nx, x+7*nx, y, y+nx, y+2*nx, y+3*nx, y+4*nx, y+5*nx, y+6*nx, y+7*nx); } /* Do final radix 2 or radix 4 pass. */ switch (n2pow - 3*n8pow) { case 0: break; case 1: r2tx(n, x, x+1, y, y+1); break; case 2: r4tx(n, x, x+1, x+2, x+3, y, y+1, y+2, y+3); break; } for (j = 0; j < 15; j++) { if (j <= n2pow) l[j] = 1 << (n2pow - j); else l[j] = 1; } ij = 0; for (j1 = 0; j1 < l[14]; j1++) for (j2 = j1; j2 < l[13]; j2 += l[14]) for (j3 = j2; j3 < l[12]; j3 += l[13]) for (j4 = j3; j4 < l[11]; j4 += l[12]) for (j5 = j4; j5 < l[10]; j5 += l[11]) for (j6 = j5; j6 < l[9]; j6 += l[10]) for (j7 = j6; j7 < l[8]; j7 += l[9]) for (j8 = j7; j8 < l[7]; j8 += l[8]) for (j9 = j8; j9 < l[6]; j9 += l[7]) for (j10 = j9; j10 < l[5]; j10 += l[6]) for (j11 = j10; j11 < l[4]; j11 += l[5]) for (j12 = j11; j12 < l[3]; j12 += l[4]) for (j13 = j12; j13 < l[2]; j13 += l[3]) for (j14 = j13; j14 < l[1]; j14 += l[2]) for (ji = j14; ji < l[0]; ji += l[1]) { if (ij < ji) { temp = x[ij]; x[ij] = x[ji]; x[ji] = temp; temp = y[ij]; y[ij] = y[ji]; y[ji] = temp; } ij++; } if (in == 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) y[i] = -y[i]; } else { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x[i] /= (double)n; y[i] /= (double)n; } } }