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Graphical Applications

wave -r record [ -a annotator ]
dbtool -r record [ -a annotator ]
dbplot -trecord [ -aannotator options ... ]
view record annotator
wview record annotator
pschart [ [ options ... ] script ... ]
psfd [ [ options ... ] script ... ]

`wave' is an X Window System client application for viewing and editing DB records. (`wave' is not included in the DB software package, but is available separately; see section Sources.) `wave' can be run on UNIX systems, and can be accessed remotely using networked PCs or other systems for which X11 servers are available. Run `wave' without any arguments to obtain instructions for printing its on-line manual.

`dbtool' is a SunView application for viewing the specified record. `dbtool' can be run on Sun workstations only. It is very similar to `wave', but `dbtool' lacks annotation editing capabilities.

If your system supports the UNIX `plot' utility, you can pipe the output of `dbplot' into `plot' in order to view DB records with annotations interactively on a graphics terminal. `dbplot' has many options, which can be given as arguments or interactively.

`view', included on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and European ST-T Database CD-ROMs, among others, is an MS-DOS application for viewing DB records on CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, or Hercules graphics-capable PCs. See `bin.doc' in the `bin' directory of the CD-ROM for more information.

`wview', included on recent (1995 and later) CD-ROMs and also available separately (see section Sources; note that `wview' is not part of the DB Software Package), is an MS-Windows application for viewing DB records. It has most of the display capabilities of `wave', but lacks support for annotation editing.

`pschart' and `psfd' produce annotated "chart recordings" and "full-disclosure" plots that can be printed on PostScript devices. These programs were used to prepare the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Directory and the European ST-T Database Directory.

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George B. Moody (george@hstbme.mit.edu)