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If you use MS-DOS or MS-Windows

Run install.exe from the software directory. Follow the on-screen directions to choose the installation directories, to set up your DB path, and to calibrate your display. Detailed instructions may be found in software/MSDOS.TXT.

The source files within the db directory are in UNIX text format (newlines are marked by ASCII line feed characters only). Most MS-DOS C and C++ compilers and text editors can process UNIX-format text files without difficulty; if you wish to convert these files to MS-DOS native text file format, however, first install msdos/bin/u2d.exe into a directory in your PATH, copy the UNIX-format files to a writable directory, change to that directory, and type `u2d *.*'. (You may name individual files to be converted if you prefer. `u2d' does not modify binary files or files that are already in MS-DOS text format.)

If you wish, you can compile the sources using Microsoft or Borland C or C++ compilers without modification; see the files named makefile.dos in the subdirectories of `db' for details. If you have Microsoft or Turbo C or C++, and a Microstar Laboratories DAP 1200- or 2400-series analog interface board, you can recompile sample (a program for creating database records from analog signals, and for replaying them in analog form). To do so successfully, you must first have installed the appropriate Microstar #include files and DAP interface library for use with your C compiler. Specifically, files c_lib.c, clock.h, and ioutil.h must be installed in your include directory, and file cdapl.lib must be installed in a directory in which libraries are found by your linker.

George B. Moody (
Sat May 24 04:19:57 EDT 1997