This program generates a Bourne shell (sh(1) ) script under UNIX, or a batch file under MS-DOS, to compare a set of test annotation files with a set of reference annotation files and a set of reference heart rate measurement files using the programs bxb(1) , rxr(1) , mxm(1) , and epic(1) , and then to produce summary reports by passing the outputs of these programs to sumstats(1) and plotstm(1) .
ecgeval asks interactively for the annotator names, the name of the database to be used, and which optional analyzer outputs are to be evaluated. It then creates the evaluation script, and offers the user a choice of running the script immediately, or exiting (in order to review and perhaps edit the script before running it).
The shell variable DB should be set and exported (see setdb(1) ).
MIT DB | mitlist | MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database |
MITx DB | mitxlist | MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database (excluding paced records) |
AHA DB | ahalist | AHA Database for Evaluation of Ventricular Arrhythmia Detectors |
AHAx DB | ahaxlist | AHA Database (excluding paced records) |
ESC DB | esclist | European ST-T Database |
NST DB | nstlist | Noise Stress Test Database |
CU DB | culist | Creighton University Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmia Database |