function NightTimeHRVmodel(n,nos,ifplots) % % Night-time Heart Rate Variability Model including effect of sleep architecture % % Version: 1.0 % % Copyright (C) 2016 Mateusz Solinski % % % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under % % the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software % % Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later % % version. % % % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A % % PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % % % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with % % this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple % % Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. % % % % Author: Mateusz Solinski % % Warsaw University of Technology % % Faculty of Physics % % % % % % % % Method was first proposed in: % % M. Solinski, J. Gieraltowski, J. Zebrowski % % Modeling heart rate variability including the effect of sleep stages, % % Chaos 26, 023101 (2016). % % % % % % Please cite the above publication when referencing this material, % % and also include the standard citation for PhysioNet: % % Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. % % PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. % % Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 % % [Circulation Electronic Pages;]; 2000 (June 13). % % USAGE % % Usage example: % % NightTimeHRVmodel(n,nos,ifplot) % % where: n is number of samples of signal (default 25000), nos is number of signals to generate (default 1) and ifplot parameter % % enable/disable plotting of generated signals (signals are plotted when ifplot=1). % % The output as .txt files included RR time seriee and (optionaly) .png plots are storage at a folder “. /RR” placed in the same % % directory as Matlab script. % % This script was tested in Matlab software, version R2015b ( and version R2013a ( (date of testing: 2.03.2016) if nargin < 1 n = 25000; end if nargin < 2 nos = 1; end if nargin < 3 ifplots = 1; end if (n<500 || n>250000) error('The length of signal must be greater than 500 and smaller than 250000 samples.') end for o=1:nos %generate hynogram [HH,HHchange,HHdur]=getHypnogram(n); %generate stochastic part of model [RR, RRzmiana,K]=StochasticPartToRR(HH,HHchange,HHdur,n); %generate gaussian part of model (breathing activity) RRGauss=GaussPartToRR(length(RR)); RR=RR+10*RRGauss; RRzmiana=cumsum(RRzmiana); % remove discontinuousness RR=discontinuousnessRemove(RRzmiana, RR, length(RR)); % added characteristic shapes for the lowest values of RR RR=excerciseEpisodes(HHchange,RRzmiana, RR,HH, length(RR)); RR=RR(1:n)*1000; if(ifplots==1) clf; RRplot=figure(1) subplot(2,1,1) plot(RR,'k-'); xlabel('n') ylabel('RR [ms]') axis([0 inf 250 1800]) subplot(2,1,2) plot(HH,'g-','LineWidth', 1); ax = gca; ax.YTickLabel = {'Exc', 'D', '', 'L','' ,'REM', 'W',''}; axis([0 inf 0 7]) xlabel('n') ylabel('sleep stage') if ~isequal(exist('./RR' , 'dir'),7) mkdir('./RR/'); end dlmwrite(['./RR/RR' num2str(o) '.txt'],RR) print(RRplot,['./RR/RR' num2str(o)],'-dpng') end end end function [HH, HHchange, HHdur]=getHypnogram(n) randLenghtofExcPhase = 30; HH=3; while(1) %matrixes of probabilty of transitions between each pair of sleep stage if(n < 7200) LDp = 0.502; LRp = 0.048; LWp = 0.054; LEp = 0.395; DLp = 0.749; DRp = 0.009; DWp = 0.018; DEp = 0.224; RLp = 0.761; RDp = 0.000; RWp = 0.116; REp = 0.123; WLp = 0.041; WDp = 0.000; WRp = 0.917; WEp = 0.041; ELp = 0.467; EDp = 0.039; ERp = 0.313; EWp = 0.18; else if(length(HH)DLp && r<=DLp+DRp) HH=[HH ; 5*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.612456,4.8293,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>DLp+DRp && r<=DLp+DRp+DWp) HH=[HH ; 6*ones(ceil(20*random('Exponential',0.204816,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>DLp+DRp+DWp && r<=1) HH=[HH ; 0*ones(randLenghtofExcPhase,1)]; end case 3 if(rLDp && r<=LDp + LRp) HH=[HH ; 5*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.612456,4.8293,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>LDp + LRp && r<=LDp + LRp + LWp) HH=[HH ; 6*ones(ceil(20*random('Exponential',0.204816,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>LDp + LRp + LWp && r<=1) HH=[HH ; 0*ones(randLenghtofExcPhase,1)]; end case 5 if(rRLp && r <= RLp + RDp) HH=[HH ; 3*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.6290078212294944,29.092799446920807,1,1)),1)]; end if(r > RLp + RDp && r <= RLp + RDp + RWp) HH=[HH ; 6*ones(ceil(20*random('Exponential',0.204816,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>RLp + RDp + RWp && r<=1) HH=[HH ; 0*ones(randLenghtofExcPhase,1)]; end case 6 if(rWLp && r <= WLp + WDp) HH=[HH ; 3*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.6290078212294944,29.092799446920807,1,1)),1)]; end if(r > WLp + WDp && r <= WLp + WDp + WRp) HH=[HH ; 5*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.612456,4.8293,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>WLp + WDp + WRp && r<=1) HH=[HH ; 0*ones(randLenghtofExcPhase,1)]; end case 0 if(rELp && r <= ELp + EDp) HH=[HH ; 3*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.6290078212294944,29.092799446920807,1,1)),1)]; end if(r >ELp + EDp && r <= ELp + EDp + ERp) HH=[HH ; 5*ones(ceil(20*random('Gamma',0.612456,4.8293,1,1)),1)]; end if(r>ELp + EDp + ERp && r<=1) HH=[HH ; 6*ones(ceil(20*random('Exponential',0.204816,1,1)),1)]; %mozliwe ze bedzie trzeba dodac warunek na zbyt dlugie wartosci end end if(length(HH)>n) HH=HH(1:n); break end end % indexes of sleep stage changes HHchange=[]; for i=1:length(HH)-1 if(HH(i)~=HH(i+1)) HHchange=[HHchange ; i]; end end HHdur=diff([0 ; HHchange]); HHdur=[HHdur ; length(HH)-HHchange(end)]; HHchange=[HHchange ; length(HH)]; end function [RR, RRzmiana,k]=StochasticPartToRR(HH,HHchange,HHdur,n) %initial parameters gamma=0; bb=0; mi=0; k=[]; y=[]; i=1; RR=[]; RRzmiana=[]; window=50; for s=1:length(HHdur) RROnlyThatStage=[]; HHCurr=HH(HHchange(s)); % values of gamma, b and mi parameters change after transition to % the next sleep stage switch HHCurr case 0 gamma=1.8; bb=0.75; mi=0.75; case 1 gamma=5; bb=0.3; mi=0.95; case 3 gamma=2.7; bb=0.45; mi=0.95; case 5 gamma=2.4; bb=0.55; mi=0.9; case 6 gamma=2.1; bb=0.75; mi=0.85; end % randomisation of parameters gamma=normrnd(gamma,0.05*gamma); bb=normrnd(bb,0.05*bb); mi=normrnd(mi,0.05*mi); while(1) %i.i.d. random integers k=[k ; k_gen(gamma, n, 1)]; if(i-k(i)>0) average=mean(y(i-k(i):i-1).^2); mu=0; sigma=1; u = rand()-0.5; b = sigma / sqrt(2); laplace = mu - b * sign(u).* log(1- 2* abs(u)); y=[y ; 0.5*laplace*sqrt(1+bb*average)]; else y=[y ; 0]; end if(i HHdur(s)) RRzmiana=[RRzmiana ; length(RROnlyThatStage)]; %end of current sleep stage break; end end end end function k = k_gen(gamma, N, numberOfRandoms) % x(end)=N/4 (against N) for faster calculation (there are not significant difference) x = 6:1: floor(N/4); xMin = min(x); inversePowerLawPDF = ((gamma-1) / xMin) * (x/xMin) .^ (-gamma); % get the CDF numerically inversePowerLawCDF = cumsum(inversePowerLawPDF); % normalize inversePowerLawCDF = inversePowerLawCDF / inversePowerLawCDF(end); nearestIndex = find(inversePowerLawCDF >= rand); k = round(x(nearestIndex(1))); end function RRGauss=GaussPartToRR(N) frequency1 = 0.1; %Hz - Mayer frequency2 = 0.25; %Hz - Vagus sig1= 0.15; sig=2; sig2=sig1*sig; fs=1; nFR=N; df=1/nFR; w1=2*pi*frequency1; w2=2*pi*frequency2; sigma1=0.01; sigma2=0.02; c1=2*pi*sigma1; c2=2*pi*sigma2; w=[]; iw=1:nFR; w=(iw'-1)*2*pi*df; dw1=w-w1; dw2=w-w2; % frequency spectrum modelling breathing influence to HRV Hw = sig1*exp(-dw1.^2./(2*c1.^2))+ sig2*exp(-dw2.^2./(2*c2.^2)); Sw= sqrt([(fs/2)*Hw(1:ceil(nFR/2)) ; (fs/2)*Hw(ceil(nFR/2)+1:-1:1)]); % phase randomization ph0=2*pi*rand(ceil(nFR/2)-1,1); ph=zeros(nFR,1); phI=1:ceil(nFR/2)-1; ph(phI'+1)=ph0(phI'); ph(nFR-phI'+1)=-ph0(phI'); SwC=zeros(2*nFR,1); i=1:nFR; i=i'; SwC(2*i-1)=Sw(i).*cos(ph(i)); SwC(2*i)=Sw(i).*sin(ph(i)); %inverse fourier transform from frequency spectrum rr=real(ifft(SwC)); RRGauss=rr(1:N); end function RR=discontinuousnessRemove(RRzmiana, RR,n) for j=1:length(RRzmiana) if(RRzmiana(j)>10 && RRzmiana(j)30) excIndexesP=[excIndexesP ; RRzmiana(i)]; excIndexesL=[excIndexesL ; RRzmiana(i)-30]; else excIndexesP=[excIndexesP ; RRzmiana(i)]; excIndexesL=[excIndexesL ; RRzmiana(i)]; end end end for g=1:length(excIndexesL) lista=RR(excIndexesL(g):excIndexesP(g)); dodzielnika=floor(normrnd(0.70,0.05)*length(lista)); dzielnik=excIndexesL(g)+dodzielnika; y=[lista(1) ; min(lista) ; lista(end)]; % model of left slope dataleftX=[excIndexesL(g) ; excIndexesL(g) + floor((dzielnik-excIndexesL(g))/2) ; dzielnik]; dataleftY=[y(1) ; y(1)-1.6*(y(1)-y(2))/2 ; y(2)]; interLeft=interp1(dataleftX,dataleftY,excIndexesL(g):dzielnik,'spline'); % model of right slope dataleftX=[dzielnik ; floor(dzielnik + (excIndexesP(g) -dzielnik)/2) ; excIndexesP(g)]; dataleftY=[y(2) ; y(2)+0.4*(y(3)-y(2))/2 ; y(3)]; interRight=interp1(dataleftX,dataleftY,dzielnik:excIndexesP(g),'spline'); % randomization of slopes iterAll=[normrnd(1,0.01,length(interLeft),1).*interLeft' ; ... normrnd(1,0.02,length(interRight),1).*interRight']; r1=floor(normrnd(0.6,0.025)*dodzielnika); r2=floor(normrnd(0.75,0.025)*dodzielnika); % adding random little step to left slope for i=1:dodzielnika if(i>= r1 && i<= r2) iterAll(i)=1.02*iterAll(i); end end RR(excIndexesL(g):excIndexesL(g)+length(iterAll)-1)=iterAll; end end