/* MEX-file for reading MIT format annotation for ECG Signals */ /* (c) Juan Pablo Martinez Cortes. University of Zaragoza. e-mail: juanpabl@tsc1.cps.unizar.es */ /* / INCLUDE FILES */ #include "mex.h" #include void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { /* Variable definition*/ char *filename; long nsamp,dim; int freq,buflen, A, II; long I; double *timeabs, *time, *timedata; long timelim[2]; long nbytes, nevents, i, pos,k; int dims[2]; mxChar *anntyp; mxChar *subtyp; mxChar *chan, *num; char **aux; char *nullstring = ""; char *currauxfield; unsigned char currnumfield, currchanfield, currsubtyp, data[2], skip[4]; const char* typecode = "NLRaVFJASEj/Q~ | sT*D\"=pB^t+u?!{}en xf()r"; const char* field_names[] ={"time","anntyp","subtyp","chan","num","aux"}; FILE *fid; mxArray *outtime, *outsubtyp, *outanntyp, *outchan, *outnum, *outaux; char finalflag=0; mxChar *char_array; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------/ / Check for proper number of arguments / /----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ((nrhs < 1)||(nrhs>2)) { mexErrMsgTxt ( "readannot: one or two input arguments required" ); } if ( nlhs > 1 ) { mexErrMsgTxt ( "readannot: none or one output argument required" ); } if (!mxIsChar(prhs[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("First argument must be a string."); else if (!mxGetM(prhs[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("First argument must be a string in a row vector."); /* Get the length of the input string. */ buflen = mxGetN(prhs[0])+1; /* Allocate memory for input filename */ filename = mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char)); /* Copy argument to variable */ mxGetString(prhs[0], filename, buflen); /* Reading time of beginning and end */ if (nrhs>1) { if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[1])) mexErrMsgTxt("Second argument (optional) must be a numeric array."); else if ((mxGetM(prhs[1])!=1)||(mxGetN(prhs[1])!=2)) mexErrMsgTxt("Third argument must be a 1x2 numerical array"); timeabs = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); if (timeabs[1]<=timeabs[0]) mexErrMsgTxt("Bad time vector"); else if (mxIsFinite(timeabs[1])) {timelim[0]=(long) timeabs[0]; timelim[1]=(long) timeabs[1];} else {timelim[0]=(long) timeabs[0]; timelim[1]=-1;} } else {timelim[0]=0; timelim[1]=-1;} /* -1 means until the end */ /*printf (" %d %d",timelim[0],timelim[1]);*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------- Reading and interpreting annotation data ----------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ((fid = fopen(filename, "rb"))==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Unable to open annotation file"); /* Estimation of the number of annotationns */ fseek(fid, 0, SEEK_END); nbytes = ftell(fid); rewind(fid); dim = nbytes / 2 ; /* The maximum number of posible events */ /*******************Memory Allocation ***************************/ time = (double*) mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(double)); anntyp = (mxChar*) mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(mxChar)); subtyp = (mxChar*) mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(mxChar)); chan = (mxChar*) mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(mxChar)); num = (mxChar*) mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(mxChar)); aux = (char**) mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(char*)); /***************** Variable Initialization**********************/ i=0; /* Current annotation number (index) */ pos = 0; currnumfield = '0'; currchanfield = '0'; currsubtyp = '0'; currauxfield = nullstring; /**************** Reading of the two first bytes ************************/ fread(data,sizeof(char),2,fid); if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); /*printf (" %d %d",data[0],data[1]);*/ if (timelim[1]== -1) finalflag =1; while ((!feof(fid))&&(finalflag || (pos>10; /* Special case. Initially A = 59 */ while (A==59) {fread(skip,sizeof(char),4,fid); if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); if (feof(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Unexpected EOF"); I = skip[2]+( (skip[3]+ ( (skip[0]+ ( ( (long) skip[1] )<<8 ) )<<8 ) )<<8); pos += I; fread(data,sizeof(char),2,fid); if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); if (feof(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Unexpected EOF"); A = data[0] + (((int) data[1])<<8); /* A = data[0] + data[1]*256 */ II = A & 0x03FF; /* in binary 0000001111111111 */ A = A>>10; } if (A) anntyp[i] = typecode[A-1]; /*type of annotation*/ /* Reading next 2 bytes */ fread(data,sizeof(char),2,fid); if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); if (feof(fid)) {break; /* del? */} A = data[0] + (((int) data[1])<<8); /* A = data[0] + data[1]*256 */ I = A & 0x03FF; /* in binary 0000001111111111 */ A = A>>10; while (A>=59) /*while more information about i-th annotation*/ {if (A==59) {fread(skip,sizeof(char),4,fid); if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); if (feof(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Unexpected EOF"); I = skip[2]+( (skip[3]+ ( (skip[0]+ ( ( (long) skip[1] )<<8 ) )<<8 ) )<<8); pos += I; } else if (A==60) currnumfield = (char) '0'+I; else if (A==61) currsubtyp = (char) '0'+I; else if (A==62) currchanfield = (char) '0'+I; else if (A==63) {if (I & 0x0001) I++; currauxfield = (char*) mxCalloc(I+1, sizeof(char)); fread(currauxfield,sizeof(char),I,fid); currauxfield[I]='\0'; /* Chain delimitator */ if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); if (feof(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Unexpected EOF"); aux; } fread(data,sizeof(char),2,fid); if (ferror(fid)) mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading annotation file"); if (feof(fid)) {break; /* del? */} A = data[0] + (((int) data[1])<<8); /* A = data[0] + data[1]*256 */ I = A & 0x03FF; /* in binary 0000001111111111 */ A = A>>10; } pos += II; time[i]= (double) pos; num[i]=currnumfield; chan[i]=currchanfield; aux[i]=currauxfield; subtyp[i]=currsubtyp; currsubtyp = '0'; currauxfield = nullstring; i ++; } fclose(fid); if ((!finalflag)&& (pos>timelim[1])) i--; /* Last event passes through final time */ /****** First event must be the first after timelim[0]*********/ k=0; while (time[k]