function varargout=rdann(varargin)
[ann,anntype,subtype,chan,num,comments]=rdann(recordName, annotator, C, N, N0, AT)
Wrapper to WFDB RDANN:
NOTE: The WFDB Toolbox uses 0 based index, and MATLAB uses 1 based index.
Due to this difference annotation values ('ann') are shifted inside
this function in order to be compatible with the WFDB native
library. The MATLAB user should leave the indexing conversion to
the WFDB Toolbox.
Reads a WFDB annotation and returns:
Nx1 integer vector of the annotation locations in samples
with respect to the beginning of the record.
To convert this vector to a string of time stamps see WFDBTIME.
Nx1 character vector describing the annotation types.
For a list of standard annotation codes used by PhyioNet, see:
Nx1 integer vector describing annotation subtype.
Nx1 integer vector describing annotation channel.
Nx1 integer vector describing annotation NUM.
Nx1 cell of strings describing annotation comments.
Required Parameters:
String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or
in the current directory.
String specifying the name of the annotation file in the WFDB path or
in the current directory.
Optional Parameters are:
An integer scalar. Return only the annotations with chan = C.
An integer specifying the sample number at which to stop reading the
record file. Default read all.
A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to start reading the
annotion file. Default = 1, begining of the record.
The anntype character. Return only annotations with subtype = S.
Default is empty, which returns all annotations.
**OPTIMIZATION NOTE: This function has been optimized for cases in which
only the annotation sample vector is required, ie for function calls of
the type:
ann=rdann(recordName, annotator, C, N, N0, AT);
For these cases, no string parsing is required and the formatting is
done at the Java level, increasing substantially the processing speed.
Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013
Last Modified: January 4, 2017
Version 2.1
Since 0.0.1
%Example 1- Read a signal and annotation from PhysioNet's Remote server:
plot(tm,signal(:,1));hold on;grid on
%Example 2- Read annotation from the first 500 samples only
%Example 3- Read annotations with anntype = 'V' only.
annV=rdann('mitdb/100', 'atr', [],[],[],'V');
See also wfdbtime, wrann