For a detailed list of changes see the repository Log at: 0.10.0 (October 31, 2017) Updated WFDB library and applications to version 10.5.25pre1. The API for the RDSAMP function has changed with this version. Note that the matrix of sample values is now the *first* output value rather than the third. The toolbox is now compatible with MATLAB/Octave releases that use Java 1.8 (or later.) 0.9.10 (March 13, 2015) Added the function SNIP to the library. Added local caching of PhysioNet files to the {wfdbroot}/databases directory. Updated native libraries to WFDB 10.5.24. Implement RSDSAMP via the JNI for improvement in memory and speed. Several bug fixes. WFDBLOADLIB now issues a warning if installation directory has an empty space in the path. Added feature to WFDBRECORDVIEWER that allows user to remotely view any record or annotation in PhysioNet through WFDBRECORDVIEWER's interface. Added following features to WFDBRECORDVIEWER: display beat labels, export GUI as figure. Added following signal analysis features to WFDBRECORDVIEWER: Spatial PCA, Karhunen–Loève expansion, Pwelch spectral estimation, filtering (notch, resonator, and custom), fundamental frequency tracking via LMS, Coherence analysis. 0.9.9 (February 1, 2015) Added a GUI for viewing and processing WFDB records and annotation: WFDBRECORDVIEWER. Several bug fixes. 0.9.8 (December 1, 2014) Several features added and bug fixes. New implementation of the EDR function by Sara Mariani. Removed WFDBUPDATE and SCORE2013. Added the following new functions : CORRINT, DFA, PBSEARCH, SURROGATE, VISGRAPH, and WFDBTOOL. 0.9.7 (October 8, 2014) Updated WFDB library to 10.5.24. Added method to change the Toolbox binary path at runtime. Added data integrity check in RDSAMP and added extra data type options. Improved performance in WRANN, and WFDBTIME. Changed API in PHYSIONETDB. Fixed issues with ECPUWAVE reading annotations passed through signalList. Removed STDERR from input stream when parsing system calls. Fixed issue with RDANN returning channels in with 0 indexing. WFDBTEST now also checks if user is running on supported version of MATLAB or Mac OS X. (February 10, 2014): Minor bug fixes with JAR files loading libraries. 0.9.6 (February 6, 2014): Added support to GNU Octave version 3.6.4 (requires Octave Java package). Added single, and fixed point, and higher precision options to RDSAMP. Added a system wide WFDB path configuration to WFDBLOADLIB. The default search is now the current directory, {WFDB_HOME}/database, and http:physionet/physiobank/database. So databases can be stored in a single centralized location on the user's machine ({WFDB_HOME}/database). Added the function WOODY (average with alignment), and HTML help files. 0.9.5 (December 6, 2013): Updated native libs to WFDB 10.5.22. Added WFDBEXEC (runs WFDB native commands in their native API and by a system call through the JVM), EDR, GQRS, MSENTROPY. Added framework for users who want to run their own custom version of the WFDB native binaries. Any user who can successfully compile and run WFDB executables on their system should be able to use most functionality of this toolbox provided that they install the binaries in the '/mcode/nativelibs/custom' directory (see README for details). Added WDFB and WFDBCAL environment variables and ability to set and change them. Added system wide debugging information and variable to allow configuration of maximum network waiting time (default = 1 second). (06 November 2013): Fixed libcurl and path issue. (05 November 2013): Added more diagnostic information and fixed some issues with using spaces in Windows directories. (04 November 2013): Fixed library path issues with Windows systems. 0.9.4 (01 November 2013): Updated native libs to WFDB 10.5.20. Added a LightWave interface: WFDBTOOL. Fixed bugs in WRANN, RDANN, RDSAMP. Included libcurl with native libs. 0.9.3 (22 August 2013): Fixed bias issues with SCORE2013. 0.9.2 (15 August 2013): Fixed issues with WFDBUPDATE and SCORE2013. 0.9.1 (12 July 2013): Added: MAPRECORD. Fixed parsing issues with RDANN and added option to load specific annotation types only. 0.9.0 (24 June 2013): Added: WFDBUPDATE, BXB, MXM, SUMANN, SORTANN, WABP, LOMB, and RDMIMIC2WAVE. Fixed bug and performance issues with RDANN and RDSAMP. 0.0.2 (13 June 2013): Added score2013 to score PhysioNet2013 challenge entries. Fixed MATLAB/WDDB indexing issues with RDANN and WRANN. Allowed scalar parameters into WRANN. Added external logging capabilities to the Java wrappers. 0.0.1 (11 June 2013): Initial beta release.